
Wat martail art do u like???

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Wat martail art do u like???




  1. shito-ryu genbu-kai. demura sensei was a guest on walker, and got drowned in a bowl of fruit punch.

  2. Kendo.  GOTTA start doing that sometime.  It's on the list.  Probably expensive though, all that gear.

  3. Taekwondo

  4. Boxing.

    But only if the fighters move like machines.

    No joke man; if someone bothered to combine hours of meditation, namely 6, with 2 hours of boxing training 6 days a week, I believe boxing has such a well developed defensive repertoire, that it is possible to box without EVER being hit.

    It sounds ridiculous I know but, but I have faith in that sport, I believe someone, someday, MAY take it that far skillwise.  The person who came the closest to near total perfection, at least that I've seen, is Sugar Ray Robinson.  However if I had to be an egoistic critic t**d and give him an official belt rank, I would say Robinson was a 9th dan in boxing.

    Marciano, I would give a 2nd or 3rd dan (if I had the authority, I don't), Ali probably a 4th, and Tyson a solid black belt due to lowered training standards.

    Had he boxed in the 1950's and been pitted against convicted killers that number would jump to 4th dan like Ali I think.  Old timers I feel are unfair to Tyson; first because he's black, and second, because you just can't compare modern boxing with the old sport, the pool has lowered considerably.  Whereas the boxing pool was huge from the 1930's all the way to the mid 1960's, when the feds cracked down on the mob in the early 1970's (after the Hoover era), Boxing became regulated, and as Mickey from Rocky Balboa stated "the worsts things happeneds to you rock; you's got civilized."

    When boxing got civilized, ironically enough, it was also ruined.  Because convicted killers did not enter the ring as much, and because refs were no longer paid by the mafia and therefore not as willing to let cheap shots slide, there was less of an incentive for young men entering the sport to polish their form and take practice seriously in addition to the fact that the pool of men willing to fight got smaller and smaller, with white people in particular having granted themselves better job opportunities and therefore were able to escape poverty.  Also as successive generations of American men became more egotistical but at the same time cowardly, they started prefering sports like basketball, baseball, and just about anything that grants a person a big ego without having to show any genuine courage or honor.  

    Old timer boxers were more than just athletes man; because of the dangerous men they fought, they were true warriors.  It took a lot more balls to enter the ring in those earlier times, in addition gloves were thinner and lighter.  In Arsenio Hall, way back when, Mike Tyson, THE Mike Tyson admitted, that earlier generation fighting was a lot more dangerous, and he got his information from Cus D'mato, a guido who was actually there.

    Ultimately though, still good riddance regarding the mob, and frankly using good, courageous, honorable men, and using them for literally human cockfights was to say the least a gross spectacle.  See, by no means do I feel someone like Tyson is inherently weak, but I do feel he was born in the wrong era of boxing.  Also, whereas modern boxing after 1980 was a "respectable" sport, during the Hoover era of the FBI, when American corruption was at its peak, boxing was basically cockfighting but with people, as sometimes people got killed in the ring, thus, old timer boxers did not just train to simply win and feed their egos, they literally trained to survive.

    What most people don't know about boxing, is that if a person knows how to throw a punch, if they have thrown a punch hundreds of times, it only takes one well placed hit to kill someone.  In boxing, a perfectly executed hook, has the power to kill.  Perfect as in, thrown by a machine, absolutely no flaws in the form, taking advantage of all the laws of physics.  No one is "born" with that kind of power; with obsessive training many people have developed it, and boxing coaches have known about such people for years.  They just don't talk about it, because to reveal that information would be to get the sport banned.

    The amount of force a hook or a cross can generate, even in the hands of a fly weight, is staggering.  Hulking racist skinheads who have harassed small, skinny mexicans have been floored and knocked out cold by said Mexicans who, back in Mexico, boxed to survive.  Case in point; people do not know how dangerous boxing actually REALLY is.

    But at the same time I don't think people are aware as to the levels it can reach.

    I firmly believe that if a boxer meditated the way Musashi did, the true beauty of the art would come out.

    Robinson came close but as they say "no cigar," and sadly, there is too much money involved, it is still too corrupt and with people like Don King still exploiting fighters as if they were fighting roosters, not to mention the attitudes of most coaches who believe in "ability," no one is likely to take a "Kung Fu" approach to boxing.

    oh well, sel a vi.

  5. aam ka justsu.

    takes the best from jiu jitsu, arnis, kung fu, taekwondo, aikido, karate, mixes it all together to form an extremely practical slef defense style, along with a very well ballanced fighter from on your feet, to take downs, to wrestling.

    very fun.

  6. Kajukenbo. Thus my name.

  7. Kung Fu from Blancia System

  8. tai ji

  9. I like more than one.

    I personally like Muay Thai and Karate for stand-up and Sambo, Jujitsu, Judo, and wrestling for ground games.

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