
Wat r 5-10 signs that a guy likes u?

by  |  earlier

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well wat r they i am in middleschool soo dont say highschool stuff....... well here is wat he please help! i really like him.......;_ylt=AtpPziXrJDGYlhyQlpHF3Ujsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080830200922AApUQAi




  1. When i was in middle school i used to do the same. I always tried to look for the girl i like during class and at school. So ya i think he likes you

  2. Yeah he likes you, i do that all the time minus the being caught stuff. Well okay i look at her and she looked at me and it was neverending for like a week straight and she just asked me out right when i was about to ask her out. LOL.

    The biggest sign you can send back when you catch him watching you is...wink at him lol it may seem a lil odd but he'll get the message. Or just talk to him, lay it low for a while then see if likes you for sure then pounce on him. Good luck with your old/new boyfriend.

    And hey i made out last year- don't ask.

  3. if he constanly messin wit u (not in a mean way tho)

    if he always talking to you

    if u c him stare at u

  4. 1. If he talks to u...on a regular basis

    2. If he touches his face a lot when around u

    3. If he gets an erection when he sees u

    4. If he rubs his nipples

    5. If he grabs your tush

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