
Wat r blogs???????????

by  |  earlier

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wat are blogs for??? my mom has one and some of my friends have one but i have no clue wat they use them for and stuff?




  1. putting your diary/journal online for others to read.

  2. cud u plees tawk in normal ingleesh?? blogs are for telling whats happening in your life, and just talking about stuff

  3. weblogs or blogs, in nature, are much like diaries but in a broaderway....

    in a blog you could say anything, and i mean anything you want unlike in a diary where you just write what happened to you today...

    also, people can see (that is the reason to blog, so that peple can read your insights) whatever you write unlike diaries which are much more secretive..

  4. It's an online journal. Start one free here:

    A blog is your easy-to-use web site, where you can quickly post thoughts, interact with people, and more. All for FREE.

  5. It's an on-line public diary/journal. If you have a myspace, you have one there too. It's easier than the old fashioned pen and book method. =P

  6. Blogs have taken the Internet by storm, and they're the easiest way to publish your brilliant thoughts. Basically, a Blog (short for "Weblog") is an interactive, personalized Web journal for posting your views, art, rants, raves, reviews, pictures, music-anything that you want to share with the teaming masses (or a private group). You can make blog entries ("posts" or "updates") to your Weblog any time you want-like a what's new page or a journal-from news updates, to humor, insights, enrages, outrages, loves, hates, true and fictional stories. Whatever you want. It's up to you. Okay, not everyone posts entries to their Blogs in their underwear, but they probably should (hey, you're already baring your soul!)

  7. i think they are a space for you to just talk about whatever you want i have one & i just gave a brief description of how my life is going right now, anything exciting, or new in it, or just wtvr. you want to blah,blah,blah about. say what's on your mind basically there.

  8. It basically can be used for an online journal, updates within a business, gossip column, the sky's the limit on what you want to talk about and people can respond

  9. Well, they're basically public journals.

    They have become quite popular. People typically post about current events in the world or just about how their day went.

    That's basically it.

    Hope this helped explain it!  
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