
Wat r some useful Austrian words?

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Wat r some useful Austrian words?




  1. in Austria (not Australia) they speak German.  Get yourself a German phrasebook or check out some websites to find the phrases you're looking for.  My most useful phrases when I lived there:

    wo ist das Toilette - where is the bathroom

    wieviel costet das? - how much does that cost?

    was ist das? - what is that?  (good at restaurants)

    Zahlen, bitte - check, please (you will actually have to ask for your bill at restaurants, they won't just bring it to you like in USA)

    Ich spreche kein Deutsch - I don't speak German

    Ich spreche English - I speak English

  2. throw another shrimp on the barbie

  3. papier bitte!!!!

  4. gutin morgin-good morning

    gutin tage-good night

    valvis took


    i know plenty but what specifics please

  5. "Wiener Schnitzel"!

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