
Wat r some useful words n sentences in Italian?

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  1. Maybe you should concentrate on learning how to spell in English first.

  2. when you are going out with someone and you dont want to pay but you dont wanna seem like a cheapskate you can say this... Mamamia!! ho dimenticato mio soldi!!!! Poi pagare questa volta e io pagero per altra volta?

  3. zero uno due tre quattro cinque sei... cento miliardi

  4. some basic phrases...

    ciao!- hello/goodbye

    buon giorno- good morning(actually translated to "good day")

    buona sera- good evening(but they usually start saying this after about 2 PM)

    buona notte- good night

    arrivederci- goodbye

    per favore- please

    grazie- thank you

    prego- you're welcome

    come stai?- how are you?

    scusa- excuse me

    Non c'è male.- not bad

    sto bene- i am fine

    che cosa ha detto?- what did you say?

    ho capisco- i understand(depending where you go in italy, though...some say ho capito instead)

    mi chiamo...- my name is...

    sono di...- i am from

    Parli inglese?- do you speak english?

    non parlo italiano- i dont speak italian

    non so- i dont know

    lo so- i know

    come?- what?

    Va bene- ok

    ho fame- im hungry

    ho sete- im thirsty

    ho freddo- im cold

    ho caldo- im hot

    Può aiutarmi?- Can you help me?

    Come si dice ____ in italiano?- How do you say_____ in italian?

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