
Wat r some useful words sentences in German?

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how 2 count from 0 to 20 billion in German ???




  1. Most people in Germany are able to understand at least a few words in english.

    What kind of german words do you want do know?

    Maybe these are helpful.

    hello - Hallo

    good morning - Guten Tag

    good evening - Guten Abend

    thank you - Danke ; Danke schön,

    How much does it cost - Wieviel kostet das?

    the bill - die Rechnung

    today - heute

    tomorrow - morgen

    yesterday - gestern

    to say something about the time.

    What´s the time? - Wie spät ist es?

    3 o´clock - 3 Uhr

    quater past - viertel nach

    quater to- viertel for

    half past (8) - halb (9 !!)

    this page could help you to find what you like to know.

    The discription is in german, but it is easy doing.

    Just write the word you want to know in the white box.

    Thats it!

    Have fun!

  2. Hallo. Ich heisse ________________.

    Hello. My name is _______________.

    Wie gehts?

    How are you? (familiar)

    Wie geht es Ihnen?

    How are you? (more formal - respectful)

    Herr     Frau     Fraulein

    Mr.       Mrs.     Miss

    Entschuldigung Sie bitte.

    Excuse me please.

    Was emphelen Sie?

    What do you recommend?

    Haben Sie _____________

    Do you have ____________

    0 - null

    1 - eins

    2 - zwei

    3 - drei

    4 - vier

    5 - funf

    6 - sechs

    7 - sieben

    8 - acht

    9 - neun

    10 - zehn

    11 - elf

    12 - zwolf

    13 - dreizehn

    14 - vierzehn

    15 - funfzehn

    16 - sechzehn

    17 - siebzehn

    18 - achtzehn

    19 - neunzehn

    20 - zwanzig

    21 - einundzwanzig

    22 - dreiundzwanzig

    and so on...

    30 - dreizig

    40 - vierzig

    50 - funfzig

    60 - sechzig

    70 - siebzig

    80 - achtzig

    90 - neunzig

    100 - hundert or einhundert

  3. eins zwei drei vier fünf sechs sieben acht neun zehn elf zwölf dreizehn vierzehn funfzehn sechzehn siebzehn achtzehn neunzehn zwanzig einundzwanzig dreiundzwanzig...

    21, 22, 23 = "one and twenty, two and twenty three and twenty," etc

    31, 22, 23 = "one and thirty, two and thirty, three and thirty", etc

    30 = dreizig

    40= vierzig

    50 = fünfzig

    60 = sechzig

    70 = siebzig

    80 = achtzig

    90 = neunzig

    100 = hundert

    1000 = tausend

    one million - Million

    one billion - Milliard

    131 = "one hundred one and thirty"

    1131 = "one thousand one hundred one and thirty"

    1100131 = "one million one thousand one hundred one and thirty"

    and then... 1,000,000,000 = Ein Milliard!

  4. Only thing you need to know is "Ein beir bitte." One beer please

    And "Danke" Thank you

  5. Wie kommt mann nach ___________

    How do you get to _____________

    Gibt es ein toilette?

    Is there a bathroom here?

    Wieviel? (pronounciation Viefeel)

    How much?

    Ein mal bitte

    one please





    Wie spaet ist es?

    What time is it?

    Hope that helps!

  6. Given the quality of these answers I think I would stick with english, most people speak some...

  7. Du hast das Hirn eines Kasebrotchens!!

    (you have the brain of a cheese sandwich)

    Could be useful at some point hehehehe!

  8. This might seem kind of funny, but I would go and purchase a German/English dictionary.

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