
Wat r the precautions that r to be taken while night driving???

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Wat r the precautions that r to be taken while night driving???




  1. Make sure that you are well rested if taking a long trip as at nights back roads and highways can start to mesmerize you and make you even sleepier.

    When another car is approaching to keep from being blinded a friend once told me to simply shift my eyes to the line on the right side of the car until the approaching car passes.

  2. The obvious difference between day and night driving is that you can see much less at night.

    Drive more slowly in general because of that.

    Don't drive so fast that the stopping distance is greater than what you can see in your headlights.

    Avoid being blinded by oncoming headlights by not looking directly at them.

    If it is late, tiredness is more likely to be a factor, so watch out for that too.

    There are more drunks on the road at night, so first, don't be one of them, and second, be more alert for cars that are weaving from side to side or speeding up and slowing down or showing other signs of being driven by one.


  3. Keep your eyes on the road and make sure you know where you are heading if not stop at a gasoline station and ask for directions, do not speed and follow all road rules, and most importent of please dont drink and drive its just idiotic. PS wear your seatbelts.

  4. Make sure you are wide awake and had enough sleep. Make sure your headlights are working properly and drive slower. If you can help it, make sure you stay on well lit roads...and if you drive in a more "countrified" location, you must be aware of deer or other animals crossing the road.

  5. Get high first

  6. Visit this link.

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