
Wat r the questions generally asked in interviews?

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Wat r the questions generally asked in interviews?




  1. In an interview they will ask the following questions and the first and foremost question they will ask is

                           1.Tell me about yourself?

                           2.What are your strengths and weeakness?

                           3.Why do you choose this job?

                           4.What is your expected slary?

                           5.After two years where you will see yourself?

                           6.When did you are going to join?

    these are the regular questions they will ask in an interview but question differs depending upon the job.

  2. Classroom management

    lesson plans

    parent communication

    peer relation

    types of teaching strategies

    what you did before teaching

    handle behavior problems

    where do you see youself in 10 years

    how do you plan to continue your professional development??????????????????

    Do your best to impress, but trust me college didn't prepare you for this. I Hope you're ready for an eye opening experience and when you feel that your where naive just keep going teaching is a learning process. Take critisism in stride even if it's not constructive, but what I call "destructive critisim."

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