
Wat r the tourists attractions in Austria, Vienna?

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Wat r the tourists attractions in Austria, Vienna?




  1. Surely you mean St. Stephen's Cathedral. There is a church "St. Peter", but it's not very impressive, certainly not compared to the cathedral.

  2. I liked Schonbrunner Scholpark, St. Peter's Cathedral and Grinzing.

  3. Vienna has so many places of interest. These include the top 10 attractions according to Yahoo! Travel.

    Popular Attractions in Vienna

        * Stephansdom

        * Schonbrunner Schlo!park

        * New Year's Concert at Musikverein

        * Belvedere

        * Heiligenkreuzerhof

        * Spittelberg

        * Kapuzinergruft

        * Rathaus

        * Hofburg

        * Grinzing

    Wikipedia lists the attractions of Vienna as including:

        * Inner City

        * Hofburg (Imperial Palace, winter residence)

        * Kahlenberg

        * Parlament

        * Ringstraße

        * Schönbrunn (Schönbrunn Palace and gardens, summer residence)

        * Belvedere Palace

        * Stephansdom (St. Stephens Cathedral)

        * Tiergarten Schönbrunn (Vienna Zoo)

        * Wiener Prater with the Riesenrad(ferris wheel), a local recreation area and Wurstelprater and the Schweizerhaus beer garden and restaurant.

    Other tourist attractions:

        * Albertina

        * Beethoven historic sites

        * Burgtheater (Imperial Court Theatre)

        * Donauturm (Danube Tower)

        * Gasometer (Dwellings and a shopping mall; converted from a former gasometer Gasometer-Website)

        * Heldenplatz (Heroes Square)

        * Hermesvilla Lainz (Villa of Empress Elisabeth, also known fondly as "Sissi"

        * Hundertwasserhaus (Designed by architect and artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser)

        * Jesuitenkirche / Universitätskirche (Jesuit Church / University Church)

        * Judenplatz ("Jewish-Square") with Shoah-monument

        * Kapuzinergruft (Imperial Tombs)

        * Kaiserliches Hofmobiliendepot (Imperial Furniture Collection)

        * Karl-Marx-Hof

        * Lutherische Stadtkirche

        * Karlskirche (St. Charles Church)

        * Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

        * Pestsäule (Vienna) (a plague column)

        * Peterskirche (St. Peter´s Church)

        * The Church Maria am Gestade

        * Minoritenkirche (Greyfriars or Minorite Church)

        * Millennium Tower

        * Museumsquartier (Museums-Quarter)

        * Palais Kinsky

        * Palais Palffy

        * Palais Schwarzenberg

        * Rathaus (City Hall)

        * Ruprechtskirche

        * Schottenkirche

        * Schottenstift

        * Spittelberg (16th century houses)

        * Staatsoper (State Opera)

        * Stadtpark (City Park)

        * Tempel (old Synagogue in Innenstadt)

        * Theater an der Wien

        * University of Vienna

        * UNO-City (UN-Headquarters in Vienna)

        * Urania (former observatory)

        * Virgilkapelle

        * Votivkirche

        * Wiener Secession

        * Zentralfriedhof with numerous graves of famous people

        * Michaeler Church (Wikipedia Commons)

        * St. Marx cemetery

    Other attractions:

        * Cafe Hawelka

        * Cafe Demel

        * Mariahilfer Straße

        * Kärtner Straße

        * Graben

        * Kohlmarkt

        * Heuriger in Grinzing

        * Schloss Neuwaldegg

        * Wienerwald (Vienna Woods)

        * Donauinsel (Danube Island) with Copa Cagrana

        * Republik Kugelmugel

    Vienna also has a wonderful cafe culture. You will have a great time.

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