
~!~ Wat should I do?? ~!~?

by  |  earlier

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So I'm 12 and

I absolutely LOVE singing

I just got a camera and the cable to

load it on the computer

and post it on

I was thinking i should start recording me singing

and posting it on youtube

But my brother thinks its

a stupid idea he thinks poeple can

find out where i like

and do thing ect.

So should i record

Or wait till im older to record and post

and there are poeple younger than

me and posting videos

and i dont think nothing ever happened to


So wat do u think??

(Don't say stupid stuff plz)




  1. you should make videos of you doing these things. like a all in one video!

    go run threw the neighbors sprinklers in your bathing suits.

    fork and knife yards.

    egg houses.

    put mustard on the popular girls car or a neighbor you hate.

    steal your parents acohaul and have a good time.

    invite over some boys.

    have a degrassi marathon<3.

    go to an amusment park.

    steal the parents credit cards and go shopping.

    do to a pool hall.

    have a bon fire party.

    go rave bowling.

    go to an underage club.

    ice skating.

    cruise the streets.

    skinny dipping or go nude down the block.

    prank call people

    play guitar hero

    go on msn/myspace/facebook

    take pictures

    watch scary movies

    chill with some guyfreinds


    walk to the school/docks with poeple and hang out there

    order food

    play truth or dare

    listen to music

    go swimming

    go on a trampoline

    walk to a 24 hour store at like 3 am and run through it making a mess.

    spray paint a ally.

    Gather up a few friends, and have a picnic in your back .

    Go on a walk and take pictures of trees, flowers, dogs, etc.

    Buy some fashion magazines, pick out a couple of really cute outfits, and try to recreate them for less!

    Bead some bracelets and sell them.

    Bake some cupcakes and deliver them to friends and family.

    Play some childhood games like "Sorry", "Candyland", or "Pretty Pretty Princess".

    Look through old family scrapbooks, photo books, and yearbooks.

    Make a root beer float.

    Make fresh, homemade fruit juice.

    Have a sleepover party and watch scary movies.

    Make a mixed CD of your favorite songs and title it "The soundtrack of our life".

    Order a pizza then answer the door in your underwear.

    Splash around in a plastic kiddy pool in your front yard or in a parking lot.

    Swing on the swings at the park.

    Tie-Dye a t-shirt or bed sheets with Kool-Aid!

    Make a smoothie..

    Make popsicles in your freezer.

    Put on the radio and dance.

    Go camping in your backyard!

  2. I think that you should make one and do it ....but dont say anything about you or any personal info or the place you live  

    please answer my question too !

    the one that says  

    " what to make a movie about?"

    thank you ! other people answer too!

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