
Wat should i do 4 my Cardozo audition??

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im not very sure wat type of dance i should choose for my audition..i know i can do tap jazz or ballet..but im so stuck in the usually more comfortable with jazz..but im still good in good in ballet but i dont like it as much as tap and jazz...but i want 2 do the 1 that will impress the people that will b deciding my fate!




  1. Dance your favourite kind of dance, the one that you are most passionate about.  The people watching you want passion, they want to see someone who is totally involved in what they are doing.  I've seen competitions where people are perfect... technically, but they lacked emotion.  Then, I've seen people with emotion pouring out of them and you just couldn't help but kept swept away with them.  That's how you should dance.  People try too hard when it comes to auditions, they always want to impress the judges.  The judges don't want to be impressed they want their breath taken away, they want to be in awe.  

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