
Wat should i do for dry dry dry eyes?

by Guest33911  |  earlier

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I wear contacts and when i put solution on them i put them in and it hurts so badly because they are so dry what should i do?




  1. Your eye doctor can perform a very QUICK and easy test on your eyes that will let you know if you have "dry eye syndrome".  The have drops, like "Restasis" for it.

  2. Hello,

    You don't say if you are wearing hard (rigid gas permeable) or soft contact lenses, but I guess they are the soft kind.  So if that's right, they must be daily, monthly or extended wear overnight?

    Soft contact lenses these days are made of silicon hydrogel and are 50% water.  Water (tears) are important because if the lenses dry out, they stop working optically and blur up.

    Really I think this is a complication of your contact lens wear, which you ought to consult your contact lens practitioner about.   There may be some underlying reason why your eyes are dry, for example you might have inflamed eyelids.

    If you had daily disposable lenses, that would reduce a lot of the need for 'solutions,' but I think you need sound professional advice.  

    Forcing your lenses in when it hurts, is not likely to be a good idea, you could damage your cornea.

    I hope this is of some help.

    Best wishes,

    Belliger (retired uk gp)

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