
Wat should i do i love volleyball but...?

by Guest61404  |  earlier

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ok i tried out in 5th grade was ok 6th grade i was awesome and 7th my coaches said i was really good but 8th grade i coouldt cuz i swiched schools and they didnt have vleyball so i missed a year im not in that great shape either try outs are 2 weeks wat should i do do i try out or stop all together i want to but im scared im in a new school freshman and all they got is varsity so ill be the youngest on the team should itry out




  1. Tryout.  You are at a stage in your life where the way you make decisions is really going to start forming your decision making processes for the rest of your life, so get in the habit of making bold decisions now.  Don't let fear dictate your desires.  If you want to play volleyball, then try out.  Everyone has to be bad at some point if they want to get better, so don't be embarrasses that you might not be as good as the others.  Go for it, practice hard and work for what you want.  If you get in that habit now, you will be in a much better place when you need to make tough choices later in life.

  2. you should try. you could regret about not trying out so you should at least try. it doesn't harm anyone.

  3. Try out!

  4. well...i believe that you should start trying to get back in shape until the try-outs...more than likely, the other girls have been workin out and probably going to summer practices, so they are going to be in should go and try out....dont get down on yourself if you're not as awesome as you once were..keep a good attitude and the coaches will notice your willingness to practice and get better....good luck, i hope you make it

  5. its always better to try and possibly fail than to not try and have the chance at succeeding...


  6. just try out. Whats the worst that can happen? If you lose, then you still tried and its just as good as quiting. If you make it, then you win!

  7. Try!  What do you have to lose!  And practice. A lot.

  8. I'm sorry why is this in baseball.get in shape girl!

  9. You should definitely try out, you obviously really like the sport, and sometimes it's okay if you miss a year, I did, and it's almost like riding a bike, you'll be a little rusty at first probably, but you know the basics, and you can work on it.

    if you don't think you are in very good shape, i would suggest stretching every day with crunches and push ups. this will help strengthen your core muscles, and help with upper body. You can work your stomach muscles everyday w/o having to rest them unlike your shoulders. It may also help to run a little every day as well stretching before and after to help build up endurance.

    Be optimistic, and try your best.

  10. This is an easy question. Do you love volleyball? Ask yourself that question. If you really love it, and you live for it, then you won't think twice about playing. It's that simple.

  11. train,train


    besides, its stupid not to try out unless you suck,but you said you were awsome.

  12. try out... and with the 2 weeks 2 practice get a volleyball and go out side and pass (bump) with ureself see how many u can get in a row and if u dont wanna go out side stay inside with a balloon...

  13. You should keep on going with volleyball...and if you dont make the team this year...train all year and work even harder for next year!!

  14. I would try out for the team.  Rather you make your not, at least you if you could have made it or not.  You don't want to be a Junior or Senior (or even out of school) and wonder if you could have made it, especially if you love volleyball.

  15. if you luv the sport then try out for it you never know whats going to happen

  16. Try! What have to got to lose? If you make it, that's great.

  17. yup

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