
Wat should i do!!! im sorta SAD!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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So me and my 2 friends were planning to hanout and one of my friends were like avoiding it and i think she sorta has something againest our other friends wat should i say to her




  1. sounds like one of them is pretty mean

  2. Lexie i wasnt trying to avoid it and i don't have something against liz! I totally understand y you wud think that, but i dont understand why you wont just believe me.

    It just didnt work to hang out yesterday. I was not trying to avoid it plz believe me. i wud tell you if something was wrong with it i dont keep stupid secrets like that

    Yea liz got in a lot of fights and stuff with us last year so i'm not as good of friends with her like i was, but i wudnt just start trying to avoid her and have somethin against her.

    I'm really sorry that i made it seem like that and i hope ur not mad.

    luv u


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