
Wat size shortboard should i have?

by  |  earlier

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im 5' and growing




  1. 6'4-6'6 Fish

  2. hmm yer if your just starting out id recomend a 6'7 bic great board really floaty and wide but also easy to turn on  

  3. The top pros like Smelly Skater typically ride shortboards that are somewhere near their own height in length or perhaps an inch or two longer.  Now because you asked this question I am going to assume that you probably have not been surfing for a very long time in which case i would suggest that you add a couple of more inches and the fact that you stated you are still growing would be another reason to add even a couple of more inches.  That being said, a board of somewhere in the five foot six inch range should be a fairly good size shortboard for you.  If you are not sure decide on the board that is bigger because you can always ride a bit bigger board, however if a board is too small for you it is going to be quite useless as a wave riding vehicle   Good luck.

  4. i just bought a short board and the guy said it should be just a little bit longer than you but if your still growing id go a little longer... im 5'10" and im on a 6'1" board but its really wat your comfortable with and idk if its a gender thing since im a girl lol good luck with a new board

  5. personally, i would say a 6'6" but go to a surfshop and ask the guys there and they will get you the right equipment and stuff for your level of experience. i ride a 6'4" shortboard and im 5'6" and it is a great size for me. i hope this helps

    dont get a bic board. they are like plastic and mostly used for rentals. but if you really want one, go for it.

  6. You are not going to find what you need on this site little man trust me. Go to your local shop and ask your local guru what you should ride. Don't worry they don't bite, and they will put you on a board that your going to enjoy.

    Your still growing too, you don't want to buy a board that you will outgrow to fast.

  7. It all depends on your level of surfing. If your pretty new to the sport you may need something a little more floaty and wide. But regardless you'll prob want something just a few inches taller than you, maybe a 5'4, 5'5 just dependa on what's comfortable.

  8. For a starter probably a long board they are easier to learn on, but if u have been surfing before and ur pretty good I say get a short board.

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