
Wat supplies do i need to have for my new pet rat???

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Wat supplies do i need to have for my new pet rat???




  1. I see you said rat. You can never get one rat. they are very social animals you need to get them in same s*x pairs PLEASE. Ask anyone. They will say you need them in same s*x pairs.


    Large cage


    water bottle

    food dish

    lots of toys

    some hammocks

    bedding (NOT pine or cedar...I use carefresh)

    litter pan so you can litter train them

    lots and lots of love

    Get 2 rats not one..TWO

  2. Main supplies:

    - Another rat (they should not be kept alone!)

    - A large cage, such as the Super Pet Exotics or something of similar dimensions.

    - Chew-proof water bottle

    - Quality rat food (Lab blocks, not seed mixtures.)

    - Quality bedding (CareFresh, Yesterday's News, Apsen. NO PINE OR CEDAR)

    - Hammocks, hideaways/igloos

    - Toys (bird toys are great)

    - Quality vet in case of injuries/illness.

    Optional but preferred:

    - Debbie Ducommun's "Rats" book and her Rat Health Care booklet.

  3. Go to google for extra info :))

  4. u need to get 2 rats BOTH SAME s*x unless breeding u need to get

    big leveld cage

    food and water dish

    food and treats



    wheel (they love them)


    climbing aparaters

    a house (to hide and sleep in)

    something to chew on to keep there teeth down

    and dont forget to clean them out every week or so and to handle the as often as possible anymore questions then email me

  5. a big cage rat food water/water bottles bedding no pine or cedar a house for him/her to sleep/hide in chew toys and the rat. P.s congrats on the new rat!

  6. A big cage, basic rule of thumb is around 2.5 square feet per rat. Also, they'd be most happy with a cagemate of the same s*x, rats are extremely social and love company.

    You'll need a water bottle,

    rat food,

    a bowl,

    a salt wheel is good to have,

    some toys (some parrot toys work great, like chew block shish-kebabs and ladders),

    something to chew on like wood pieces (from a store Not outside),

    mine love ferret hammocks,

    treats like yogies (mine love the small berry ones),

    if you have a lot of wire that they'll be stepping on, it's good to have some grass mats or wood or something like that to put on it to keep them from hurting their feet.

    Bedding: NOT pine or cedar, it can hurt their respiratory system, i love carefresh but things like yesterday's news and aspen are good too.

    Toilet paper tubes and other things like that make great toys.

    Some great ideas for toys and games are here:

    have fun with your new ratlet!

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