
Wat was comedy like when there was kings and queens?

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like in the middle ages. long long LONG ago.




  1. All royal courts in those days employed entertainers known as "Fools" or "Court Jesters" and most had professional fools of various types. Entertainment included music, juggling, clowning, and the telling of riddles. In the late middle ages, clowns emerged as a professional comic– actors imitating the antics of Court Jesters who humored kings. The Court jesters were members of the royal court staff. The Jester were often catalysts for social change. The Jesters were given freedoms granted to no one else. They could answer back to anyone in authority and make jest of almost anyone or anything without fear of punishment.

    The Jesters wore bright costumes:

    green and saffron colored  


    jagged collars  


    pointed three color caps.  

    Their skills consisted of:







    tightrope walking  

    fire eating  

    working with animals

  2. Probably not so very different than today.....bathroom humor, sexual innuendo, ethnic, religious, political  jokes , etc. and if the King thought it was funny then everyone laughed......."did you hear the one about how many serfs it takes to light a candle?"

    best of luck to you!


  4. It was pretty boring. They had clowns throwing sticks to one another and jumping stupidly on the floor.

  5. A lot of times, they would have a court fool or court jester.  This was usually a dwarf or a midget who would do and say things to amuse the monarch and the court.  Why they tended to choose dwarves and midgets for that, I have no idea.

    The court fool was allowed to say scandalous things that other members of the court could be ostracized for saying.  They also served to point out injustices to the monarch in an amusing way, or to help the monarch not take him or herself too seriously.

  6. In the court, a lot of the comedy came from the figure known as "the fool" or sometimes "the jester".

    These were people who were considered to be "simple", or who acted so. Although as you'll see in Shakespeare, some had a particular wisdom of their own.

    The comedy came from the fact that they were the only person who could say pretty much anything they liked to the king. Many times the things they would say would be hilariously inappropriate.

  7. There still are kings and queens! I don't see the point to your question. Care to rephrase it?

  8. Comedy was much raunchier, more ribald and very earthy in earlier times. But there still are kings and queens - so I'm not really sure what you are talking about.

  9. When was this?  There were kings and queens before the Common Era, and there are kings and queens now.  So which period are you asking about?  Comedy has changed much in the past 4000 years.

  10. They had a court jester.

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