
Wat was d worst thing ever happen in ur life since u join yam?

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Wat was d worst thing ever happen in ur life since u join yam?




  1. agree with ¡¡¡ ǝɯıʇ ʍoɥs sʇı

    PEACE =D

  2. Being called a pelacur.  Never have i been called that and i never thought in my entire life that i will be called a common w***e, lol!

    .......and another thing, playing his kind of game and thinking up also of the most imaginative kinds of insults to bestow upon him, hahaha!  I did try to apologize the first time I really hit the target but i realized there is no use trying to be civil to a mentally unstable individual as he himself admitted in hepi d_va's question on what are our personalities.

  3. Got robbed of my laptop and not able to Y!AM for 8 months!

    But that 8 months weren't too bad, I actually read a lot of books and devoured many Korean drama series.

    And no literal pain in the neck from sitting in front of the PC too long - like now...Ouch!!

  4. addicted - sometime i lazy to do my work because of this-but i like this and second-love letter from yahoo (i hate it)violation notice     -i dont really care about lost point..but i hate it because cannot read the answer


  5. i begin to like crab...

  6. i can't stop thinking of the animals(crab,frog,ikan buntal etc), farms(ganja,papaya,etc), fruits(bean,banana,etc)...

    please...YAM....please...stop abusing my fragile mind

  7. I suddenly like to eat rambutan.

  8. People giving me sh*t when I explain about the problem, whether they mean it or not, people who say I don't deserve this and that cos I'm irresponsible, and people who say they are disgusted with me by my answers, when I was just being honest, and they are being narrow minded.

  9. I'm getting crazy everyday  

  10. The worst thing is that nothing ever happens...

  11. bean & gindy

    trust me..they are the worst thing happened in my life..

    he he..

  12. violation notice all the way. today i got one for my answer..

  13. ,, fact better....coz it takes my mind off cigarettes.....but the worst was when my colleague....i panggil die Kak Kepo....mengamuk sal tak tahan dengar i hari2....menaip....

    ..."Eh...u ari2 taip ni....tulis surat ker!!!!!...sakit tinger i!!"...*sambil cekak pinggang*....

    i jawab..."surat cinter.."....pas tu give her my not-so-white-nicotine   smile.....

    pastu...biler i taip i hentam2 the keybod....sampai tercabut the enter key...hehehhehe

  14. My inglish sudenly becum beter ... lol

  15. Trying to forget that I'm addicted to Y!AM. And everytime I see crabs anywhre I think of Y!AM. And everytime I hear the word "hot" I remember Gindy's line (Aku hot amat).  

  16. LOL @ ADi S


    lol@ yaya and bean too..hahaha

    sure got..sobs~

  17. violation notice....

  18. ^

    muahahahaha yuan yuan..

    your answer made me roll on the floor laughing la...

    i didnt see hepi_dva's personality Q leh..

  19. yaya

  20. hmmmmm....

    not being able to continue yamming when I was sick recently...  that's a bit bad... but not the worst i think...

    i think the worst would be if i have ever offended anyone here... and worst still, without fully knowing it... and worst still, without apologising...


  21. i been so bad de.... i duno how say sorry..

  22. everyday with a bunch of violation notice....d**n toilet bowl

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