
Wat will i need?

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what will i need for a 7 day cruise to bermuda?(ex. number of shorts)




  1. well consider how often you will change, once twice, for dinner, will you eat in the dinning room?  this will all help if you eat in the dinning room (I never miss a night, better food) there is a dress code, no short or swim wear, so that is on change a day, and there is at lest 1 formal night too, (formal or dressy will work that night) I would go with 2 changes of clothe for each day and 1 extra.

    and in port you may be doing a good amount of walking so consider that in what you pick for that day too, (good walking shoes that look good too)

  2. all right, this needs serious consideration.

    i'd go with the following:

    3 pairs of shorts

    2 pairs of jeans

    7 tops (casual and dressed up so you can mix and match)

    a day dress that can be turned into an evening dress with the right accessories, if people dress up for dinner, you'll need 2 dresses.

    accessories (necklace, earrings, bracelet, belts)

    shoes (2 pairs of sandals (heels are your friends),2 pairs of  flip flops, sneakers)

    scarf and/or hat

    sunscreen, moisturiser,makeup,brush,basic first aid kit (you know what drugs kill your aches better)

    8 underwear

    2 swimsuits

    beach towel

    a book

    a sunny smile and an adventurous spirit

    have fun!

  3. check out the itinerary so that you can figure out where you'll go and from there decide on what to bring. enjoy!

  4. Ok...bathing suit, SUNSCREEN cash or credit card of course.....clothes lol HAVE FUN!

  5. id bring 7 types of everything.. like shorts n tank tops.. 2 extra for bpoth jus incase.. if u were sandles bring 2 pair incase one breaks.. tons of underwear..2 bathing suits..maybe a sweater n sweat pants incase there is a cooler night.

  6. LOTS of condoms (1up,1up,1up,1up,1up,1up,1up,1up,1up,1up...

  7. Bring lots of money.  And here is a good on-line packing list.  Have a great time.

  8. well...obviously you will need clothes, bathing suit and sun tan lotion or sun block...and cell phone and any peronal items.

    enjoy your trip:]

  9. bring your passport, the cruise will keep you occupied for all of the 7 days

  10. Seven casual outfits, and seven outfits for the dining room if that is where you choose to eat.  I always do.  There may be a laundry on the ship, but I am on vacation, so I do not use it.  You could reuse the swimwear on the ship.  You should also bring a power strip for your room.  Soap and shampoo should be provided.  Beach towels should also be provided.

  11. MUSIC

    don't be bored


  12. bring 7 outfits, one for each day
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