
Wat would happen if u increased speed by 10%?????

by  |  earlier

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what would happen???

need at least 3 topics to do research and explain and etc




  1. 1. You will be driving faster, likely to have an accident or get a ticket.

    2. You will be wasting more gas.

    3. Your stopping distance will be greater.

  2. Compared to what?...Where?...10% faster at 55 mph is 60.5 mph...Be more specific and more specific answers can be given.

  3. you could look into speed and gas intake in a vehicle, how you would need more time to slow down, how you would waste more gas going faster than 60 MPH, which I think is the best fuel speed to go, or you could talk about increasing speed as far as running. If a person increased their speed, they would undoubtly be more physically fit, and stronger. I guess that is all I have to add...Have you tried typing that in in google and seeing what comes up. Another great search engine is, it is a metasearch engine that is super at highlighting the area you want versus looking at c**p you DON'T need to look at. Good luck, I am taking college courses and I am ALL done with my writing!!!

  4. not really sure about what your asking, but if you increase your speed 10% if you were travelling at the speed limit, your stopping distance would increase, meaning danger of being unable to stop in time would increase

  5. Things would be faster.....

  6. haha my spedometer would wrap around and say im going 5MPH...ive done that a few times on the freeway

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