
Wat would u do if ur brand new surf board just broke?

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Wat would u do if ur brand new surf board just broke?




  1. i would just get a new board again, my sponser and boardmaker will just make me a new one

  2. CRY!

    = [

  3. I would get a new one. You always need to have a back-up. I can shape boards myself so i would make myself another one. But this takes 2-3 weeks. So i would suggest you save up and get a new one, or go back to the same shaper or store you got ur other one and he will probally give you a great deal on the next one you buy. i Have snapped 3 boards in the last year whitch sucks because they cost me about 3- to 350 to make on my own.

  4. My friends brother has broken like three boards recently.  You can do one of three things.  

    His dads friend is really good with ding fixing and he used epoxy resin and glass to fix it.  

    He also took a more difficult break to the local surf job and they fixed it like new.  I

    f you have a lot of money or it took in to much water you could always buy a new one but thats pretty much a waste of cash because you could get it fixed for cheaper.


  5. put some tape on that ****

  6. Probably just go home and watch a video until the shock sinks in..

  7. go buy another one, boards break

  8. Buy a new / better made board.

  9. Hope you kept the receipt and take it back for a refund...

    if it's now have two boogie boards.

  10. I'd scream ,then get a new one. It happens, you know.

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