
Watch BBC programmes oversea?

by  |  earlier

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i will be away working oversea in Asia for quite a while but i'm a big fan of bbc programmes, is there anyway i can see bbc programmes oversea in real time? i've checked that the online bbc programmes are restricted to great britain only. So the BBC iplayer can't be viewed outside of britain hence the question. anyone knows if there's any other way?




  1. Well that would hardly be fair, seeing as people in britain would be paying the TV license for you :P

    Torrents are the way to go.

  2. You'll need to download illegally (not that I'd recommend that).  Some shows are on stations such as BBC America, but generally the BBC is for the licence payers, which means people in GB...

    Or, find a proxy server so that it will appear to the BBC that you are in the UK.  Then you can watch iPlayer....

  3. You can try something like a Slingbox or Sony LocationFree player. These devices allow you to stream the television signal from your home over the internet, so that you can control and view your TV from anywhere over the net.

    Of course this requires that you set up the SlingBox or Sony LocationFree in a location where you can access the TV signal that you want to watch. So if you don't have a home back in the UK where you can do this you're out of luck.

    See these sites for more information:



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