
Watch this Ron Paul debate from last night and learn why they don't give him any press.?

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  1. He's a kook.

  2. Ron Paul says a lot of things that sound good - but are wildly impractical for the real world.

    Look at his background - in all of his time in politics he has never drafted legislation that became law.  He talks a lot - but cannot get anything done.

    Personally, I think that he needs to take a few economics classes.

  3. Many of the things Ron Paul says make a lot of sense. However since he is not rubberstamped by PACs and Lobbyists he will not win. It is sad because he is the only candidate with a Record of change rather than rhetoric of change.

  4. You know what, I like him more and more every time he opens his mouth

    I espceially liked his response regarding the medication question, that its not right to steal from one person to help another. If you want to have s*x, its YOUR responsibility to protect yourself, its not MY responsibility to proivde money for your birth control.

  5. ron paul....

    if ya kant sing like peter, n ya kant preach like paul...

    vote for ron paul...he'll provide for all

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