
Watch this now alone and i promise you will be scared?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I am genuinely curious. Is this some sort of kid thing to say "scared". Not concerned or whatnot but....... "I am scared". Does that mean that a person is not able to hit a problem head on and is going to put their head under their pillow? Scared sounds like a 6 year old.

    Language and society changes. I am just curious.

  2. Really strange video I'll say that much. Reminds me of the old messages they used to play at movies houses during the 50's.

  3. It's prob one of them silly things where a man looking like your mother appears after 20 seconds and screams.

  4. not scary, why post in insurance category...

  5. yawn, that sucks @ss, question for you, whats with the anger, you not getting any? im right arnt i

  6. Didn't find it scary, just thought a load of rubbish. Incidentally what exactly has this got to do with insurance?  Think you posted on the wrong site eh?

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