
Watching Showjumping at Hickstead?

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Did anyone else notice that Hauke Luther's horse seemed to suddenly lose power and as he came to the end of the course seemed to be haemorraghing from both nostrils...?




  1. I watched most of it but didn't notice that. Hope it's OK. The going was rather heavy and seemed to be sapping their energy at the end of the course. Fabulous round by Geoff B.

    Emma - re Badminton this year, only one horse had to be put down due to a really freak accident with one of the flags snapping and going into it's leg. A second died after finishing the course. Half the entries pulled out rather than risk their horse.

    But it's a bit like sportsmen/women - you sometimes hear of them dropping dead on the playing field even when they are fit and young.

    I would say the majority of riders pull up if they feel their horse is not up to the job but things like this do happen without maybe the rider realising it.

    Don't know why you got thumbs down - I often wonder why I get them!!

  2. Yes. internal bleeding, even if only in the nostrils can cause weakness which would have been the cause for seemingly sudden loss of Ooomph!!!!!

  3. no did not see it

  4. I'm not keen on Hickstead. We usually go for the shopping but the showjumping we always miss.

    I've walked up the bank and looked down. I'd hate to be on a horse.

    I'm not surprised a horse was bleeding out of its nose.

    Did you see Badminton? just awful.

    wow, a thumbs down for having an opinion!!!! a number of horses at Badminton had to be put down.

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