
Watching a Birth?

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I am going to be in the room with my mother when she gives birth. I am 15 where should i stand. And what do yo think i should see i have seen pics of birth the baby comming out and watched videos of crowning but what do you think. I am a boy

I think that i want to watch the baby crown but what do you think. I have watched it on youtube and i think it is a miracle so tell me what you think.




  1. Some people will probably tell you if you watch you are werid, but youre not. I think you are the same one that wants to be a obgyn. Right? well its a good way to learn. If you want to just be there to support your mom stand at her head and talk to her and things. If not wait till its time and watch the birth.

  2. Do what you and your family present at the birth are comfortable with.  I think that you are a great guy for doing this!!! Not a lot of guys have an interest in babies and being a help when babies are born at this age and I think it's great!!!  I'd be so proud of a son like you!

  3. Gross!Seeing my mom give birth is the LAST thing I'd want to watch.GROSS.

  4. I would ask the doctors/nurses where is the best place to stand, you certainly wouldn't want to be in the way.

    Also I would wait and see how you actually feel when the time comes as to how much you 'want to see'.  Watching something on a tv screen and having no emotional attatchment to that person is one thing ......for it to be your own Mumma who is giving birth may make you feel totally different.

    I would speak to your Mumma too, although its wonderful that she is allowing you to be at the birth, she may have her own ideas on what she thinks you can handle watching and what you can't.

    Hope this helps ....and yes you are totally correct really is a miracle!!

  5. If you and your mom are both comfortable with you watching the baby crown, then stand behind the Dr., where you can see it. My advice would be to stay with your mother and comfort her until the Dr. indicates that it's time, then move to a position where you will have a good view of your new baby brother or sister coming into the world! I think it's great that even though you are a teenage boy, you are interested in watching the miracle that happens when a new life comes into this world! Most boys your age would say "No way! That's disgusting!" Best of luck to you and your family!

  6. Just hold her hand and tell her that you love her.....beyond that just try not to pass out.

  7. You should watch the whole thing! You're going to be in the room and it's a great opportunity to watch the miracle unfold right in front of your eyes. You can actually stand wherever you want, just as long as you're not in the way of the medical staff. A good place is to stand at your mother's side if no one else will be occupying that spot. Usually they'll have a mirror so your mom can see what's happening, so you'll get a good look too. And see it the whole way through; usually once the head comes out, the rest of the baby is cake.

    You're so lucky! Best wishes and congratulations to your mom!
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