
Watching a Vaginal Birth?

by Guest21514  |  earlier

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I am going to be in the room with my mother when she gives birth. I am 15 where should i stand. And what do yo think i should see i have seen pics of birth the baby comming out and watched videos of crowning but what do you think. I am a boy

I like watching babies crown on youtube so i think i want to see the baby crown

Also she will be in the bed in the normal position so i think i should ask her if she needs someone to hold her legs




  1. me, Son don"t be embarressed if you pass out ! Seeing it live is a whole lot different than youtude !

  2. omg i would never let my son watch me give birth but to each his own stand by her head and help her with her breathing

  3. Help her with her legs and when they announce that they see the head, ask your mom if it's ok for you to look. She may not be comfortable with her son looking at her vajay-jay, so just ask first.

  4. Well, it's kind of gross but good birth control.  Lol.  I'm fifteen and I was fourteen and saw the birth of my nephew.  It's not bad.  As for holding the legs, nah they have braves for that that they put up.  Try to stay out of the way but yes you can stand wherever you want.  You might want to hold your moms hand at the beginning and then move to see the birth.

  5. I can't even imagine having my 15 year old son in the room while I give birth. You should save that experience and watch your own children being born. If can't wait then stand by your mom's head. Wow! lol!

  6. ask her - i personally wouldnt wanna see my mom if you know what i mean.

  7. lol omg...

  8. If you wanna watch- go for it! maybe it will scare you off s*x for a few more years. :)

  9. I don't know why everyone is so uptight about it lol. It isn't like your wanting to watch for sexual purposes I'm sure. I'd personally feel a little strange, but I'd deffinately allow it. Personally I don't like anyone holding my legs while giving birth. I find I push more effectively holding them on my own. So I'd just sit down and talk to her about it. I didn't really want my husband down there watching, but I was just being retarded, and once our kids were actually being born he watched with our second. our first was somewhat an emergency situation, so he didn't have any time to watch really. Our daughter was born within about 1-2 minutes of my doctor arriving out of emergency surgery! Very fast...2 pushed that was it.

    Anyhow, yes, I'd say talk to her, and come up with a plan on what she does/doesn't want you to do for her while in labor, and then see what she's comfortable with as far as you watching the actual birth. Sorry people are rude and think thats wierd, I don't think it's strange at all, I actually find it very admirable and mature for you at 15 to be wanting to be a part of it. G'luck! By the time your pushing the baby out, you wouldn't care if the darn pope is watching! lol.

  10. Yeah Daddy got picks of our daughter being born....I could of gone the rest of my life w/out knowing that my hoohoo could look like that.

    Ask before all of this gets started if its ok too see the baby's head crowning. If so then, you should stay by her side and help push her legs back.

  11. I think it is highly inappropriate for a fifteen year old son(?) to watch his mother giving birth. There are just some things that need to be kept private.

    This is a boundary issue and if your mother has no concept of boundaries, then she needs to read up on this extremely important element that is essential in situations for exercising discernment and by making sound decisions.

    This is, also, something that the father of the baby needs to be present and not the older sibling of said baby being born. If the father cannot be present, why not have an aunt or a female cousin there for moral support?

    I honestly see some creepy issues with this one. Your job is to stay in the waiting area until a nurse/doc comes out to announce that the mother is in the recovery room and that the time for you, at such point, will be fine to visit.

    Save your child-birthing experiences for you and your future wife.

    One last thing, your mother gets a resounding thumbs-down for this one.

    Good luck.

  12. i think ur gross

  13. Your mom obviously doesn't care or she wouldn't have invited you to the birth. I would stand by the head and look from there. You can still see the baby coming out, but it gives your mom personal space.

  14. Ew.

    You're going to have nightmares ... then, later in life, s*x issues. Stay in the waiting room. Seriously.

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