
Watching t.v is good???!!!!?

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Watching t.v is good???!!!!?




  1. Yes, watching TV is good, but, I think its totally up-to you that how can you use TV, I mean for good purpose or just for time pass.

  2. watching TV is gud but only then when u watch it for some time

    there is a limit for everything and if we exceed the limit everything is harmful

    so watch TV but not for long

  3. hi, its good to watch the news,

    its good its entertaining one, but it should not cross the limit.

    eye sight may increase.

    we lose the concentration towards the study, not for a day or 2, but watching the T.V every day for the hours together will spoil the education of ours and at last the life too..

    but news is must, u should watch them in other lang too like hindi, english to improve ur skill over those lang....

  4. Watching T.V. in a limit is good entertainment. But if you see T.V. all the time it is bad for your eyes and a waste of time .

  5. problem with tv is that you lose the of conversation,

    2.the ability to read for relaxation

    3.your imagination.

    4 your many times have you watched tv,thought "oh that was a bit graffic,or nasty" but a few days later have watched worse useing the excuse that "oh well,i watched that film the other day".

    5.its too easy to say to your kids "go watch the tv"

    dot get me wrong i love tv,we have them all over the house,but there cept in there rightfull place,in moderation

  6. ya but u shudnt b addicted 2 it.

  7. Watching tv is not too bad.But always watching only tv is not good.

  8. It is good when it is within a limit.

    It is good when you are not addicted by it.

    It is good when do not miss your important work due to watching T.V.

    It is good when you have extra time to spare for TV show.

  9. Its good if you watch within limits. If you stick to it 10-15 hours a day then its definitely not good.

    Its better to be in real world.

  10. Where else can you learn cool shtuff like this:

    Boy: Woof! You sure gotta climb a lot of steps to get to this Capitol Building here in Washington. But I wonder who that sad little scrap of paper is?

    I'm just a bill. Yes, I'm only a bill. And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill. Well, it's a long, long journey To the capital city.

    It's a long, long wait While I'm sitting in committee, But I know I'll be a law someday At least I hope and pray that I will, But today I am still just a bill.

    Boy: Gee, Bill, you certainly have a lot of patience and courage.

    Bill: Well I got this far. When I started, I wasn't even a bill, I was just an idea. Some folks back home decided they wanted a law passed, so they called their local Congressman and he said, "You're right, there oughta be a law." Then he sat down and wrote me out and introduced me to Congress. And I became a bill, and I'll remain a bill until they decide to make me a law.

    I'm just a bill Yes I'm only a bill, And I got as far as Capitol Hill.

    Well, now I'm stuck in committee And I'll sit here and wait

    While a few key Congressmen discuss and debate Whether they should let me be a law. How I hope and pray that they will, But today I am still just a bill.

    Boy: Listen to those congressmen arguing! Is all that discussion and debate about you?

    Bill: Yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones. Most bills never even get this far. I hope they decide to report on me favourably, otherwise I may die.

    Boy: Die?

    Bill: Yeah, die in committee. Oooh, but it looks like I'm gonna live! Now I go to the House of Representatives, and they vote on me.

    Boy: If they vote yes, what happens?

    Bill: Then I go to the Senate and the whole thing starts all over again.

    Boy: Oh no!

    Bill: Oh yes!

    I'm just a bill Yes, I'm only a bill And if they vote for me on Capitol Hill Well, then I'm off to the White House Where I'll wait in a line With a lot of other bills For the president to sign

    And if he signs me, then I'll be a law. How I hope and pray that he will, But today I am still just a bill.

    Boy: You mean even if the whole Congress says you should be a law, the president can still say no?

    Bill: Yes, that's called a veto. If the President vetoes me, I have to go back to Congress and they vote on me again, and by that time you're so old...

    Boy: By that time it's very unlikely that you'll become a law. It's not easy to become a law, is it?

    Bill: No!

    But how I hope and I pray that I will,

    But today I am still just a bill.

    Congressman: He signed you, Bill! Now you're a law!

    Bill: Oh yes!!!

  11. Yes, because it's a form of art. Art = culture.

  12. no but sometimes because they show bad things but yes because they show good things tooo.i hope u understood bye

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