
Watching televised Golf is about as interesting as watching undercoat dry. So why watch it?

by  |  earlier

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Why don't you wake up and realise that what you are watching classifies you as slightly less interesting than a 4x2" piece of wood and marginaly more alive than a skeleton from the black death of 1348?




  1. People that dont have the mental capacity to understand the game probably will not enjoy watching it.  

    For those of us that do, there is no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon.  

    Us Golfers on here could care less if you enjoy watching it or not.  We find it enthralling and VERY entertaining.  This is a question forum.  Keep your opinions to yourself.

  2. no one is asking you to watch it if you dont like it check out the other 200 channels to watch i hate baseball so i dont watch it but i am not going to say its c**p or boring just because i dont like it if other people want to watch it thats cool good luck to them

  3. Thanks for your intelligent debate, I feel far more educated as a result of your "question."

  4. At least credit the "golf is a good walk spoiled" quote to the man who said it - Will Rogers. And don't forget the other truism - the reason the announcers are so quiet is because they don't want to wake up the home viewers. lol.

  5. I love to watch golf. Tons of people hate to watch baseball because they think its boring. But to me, its the most inteligent and fastest game there is.

    Men on base, scoring position, once that ball is in play the game is the fastest game out there. The decisions that need to be made on-the-fly, is that runner off 3rd with a hit up-the-middle and you have no chance at 1st? What do you do? Risk the throw to 3rd, try to throw from your knees to first?

    Too many options its a thinking mans game.

    Golf - put your position in the trees and what club do you play? THe pros usually get it right while us amatuers go for gold when only a perfect shot would work. And that perfect shot comes what, never?

    Golf is a great game to watch pros do what you dream of doing. I love watching golf.

  6. Golf was invented to be televised as a cure for insomnia.

  7. I'm waiting for the paint to dry, so i thought i would watch golf. It's better then watching the paint dry.

  8. To p**s you off!

  9. Most people that watch golf are trying to learn the game and/or new techniques.

  10. That's YOUR opinion, and you are entitled to it. I disagree with you. I watch the LPGA and am proud to say that I do. If you choose not to, fine, but please don't come on here just to rip into something you clearly know nothing about.

  11. Golf is a good walk spoiled.  Golf is a game played by men with little balls.  Golf is a game for chauvinist pillocks who think a car maketh a man.  Golf is the game for you if you have the combined dress sense of Gyles Brandreth and Mikey Carroll.

  12. how and where did learn to spell   realize not realise it's 2"

    x 4" not 4x2"

  13. Don't you love it when someone makes attempts at cleverness by using obscure points of referance as analogies?

    shut up prick, and go back to watching your japanese cartoons.

  14. As a golfer who has watched loads of golf I can see where this question is coming from. It is a direct result of the type of course being played on the PGA. They all seem the same, ergo all the shots are the same, one guy hits it close or he dosent.. Now! when they play Augusta next week the pros have to play all sorts of different shots because of the greens so I will watch all of that. And when the Open comes round the fact that they are playing a links for probably the only time in the year, thats worth watching, other than those two comps. I will leave it until  the final nine, when it gets exciting, before I switch on..

  15. same reason people watch NASCAR- for the crashes

    or baseball, for the walk-off grand slam with two outs and the count 3-2.  Magical moments that you'll remember.

    golf can be unbearable, but when you get to see a hole in one, or someone holing out on their 2nd shot on a par 5, it's pretty magical as well.

  16. When I was young, i thought golf was so boring. But now that I play the game more seriously, I LOVE watching any golf I can on TV. Tour caliber players are simply amazing, and once you understand how amazing they are, then golf becomes one of the most interesting sports to watch. Besides, Tiger Woods is hands down the most amazing athlete to play any sport ever. =)

  17. Why don't you wake up and realize you're a major tool?

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