
Watching you...?

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Sometime I feel like someones watchng me because

Whenever I got out to watvh tv I HAVE to shut the windows!

And whenever I got in my room I check in the closets it scares me because sometimes I do not notice i am doing it

And In school I feel like something is breathing on my neck and looking at me! WHEN NO ONE IS!

explain to me! What could be happening!@?

Sorry if I spelled something wrong




  1. Paranoria!! Stop feeding it, it will only get worst. Maybe see a doctor, could be the first symptoms of scitzophrenia.

  2. You are suffering from paranoia. You need to calm down and relax, there are not mysterious invisible beings watching you. There's no monsters under your bed or in your closet. No ghosts breathing on your neck at school.

    If it is seriously effecting your life, you might want to consider going to see a doctor.

  3. Apparently it is a "watcher" one of those spirits that keep eye on you all the time, sometimes they are trying to communicate with you, go to your religious leader and have your house blessed.

  4. If none of the other suggestions work..and if you go to a dr. and medication doesn't work...if all else fails..try to think of it as your guardian angel...then maybe it won't scare you. Others might say it's your spirit guide..or bad spirits. How does it make you feel..besides scared? You're scared because you don't know what it is. But, does it give you a "bad" feeling....or not? Could be some kind of  "electrical" or "magnetic" force. The skeptics on here know about these kinds of possibilities..I don't. should always keep your doors and windows locked..esp. when you go to bed.

    Edit..Sometimes there are things about your brain that can make you "feel" certain ways. If it doesn't stop or gets worse..go to a dr. and tell him/her.There are probably medications that can make it stop. No sense in going through this if you don't have to. You don't have to go to a psychiatrist....try your M.D. family dr. first. could be getting an awareness of the paranormal world.  I really don't know.

  5. My thought...... I don't think that you are paranoid or need medication, I would recommend church. I truly believe in the paranormal and their ability to touch the human world. Although, as a Christian I believe that since I accepted Christ in my heart there isn't any room for anything else. The Bible says that having the Lord in your heart you are protected form the Evil spirits. There is a line in the movie Constantine "Do you believe in the devil.....he believes in you" I know that it is from a movie but it is a very powerful way to prove my point. When nothing else works for you give God a try, when you feel that threatening feeling and you feel the presence of something that isn't there just say a quick prayer..." God please, whatever this is, please make it stop, protect me ...." I grantee that you will stop having whatever feeling you are having... guaranteed. Just a suggestion when nothing else works for you, God will be waiting.

  6. That's perfectly normal paranoia.  Everyone has that.  Don't dwell on it, and you won't notice it anymore.

  7. I also believe in paranormal issues. Also that in any church they could help you.  A strong meditation group can help too.

    You pray and ask for protection. However, try not to feel afraid of it, because there is a protection, a kind of tissue between this world and the another world. ...and like one of my friends says, on the other side they don't have phisical body, so they can't do anything to you, just frighteen you ... so, try not to be afraid. Praying and thinking in God will help in two ways: 1) Will help to control your mind 2) You will have some extra protection.

    Where do you live? Perhaps I could recommend some church or groups that would help you.

    Avoid to involve in any kind of paranormal practice, or with  "fortune tellers", and so on. That could be a source for that kind of phenomenon you are telling.

    Ask for protection and for guiding.

  8. OK, so you're a private person that doesn't want people looking in at you while you watch TV in your own home. You also appear to have curtains or blinds on your windows so they can be shut. How dare you use those for what they were bought for and close the windows.

    I have checked behind my shower curtain every time I am in there since I saw the movie Psycho years ago and I simply don't care what people might think of that.

    So, do you put something away (hang something up) when you check your closet that would make it a productive activity.

    If you are in your room and you keep going back to check numerous times (never having left the room) that could be a sign of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) but once is not.

    How do you know no one is looking at you while your in school? School has many people and I'm sure one or two might cast their eyes toward you some of the time.

    Guys always look at girls (the ones they find attractive longer) and girls (despite what they might say) do the same thing.

    The breathing on the neck is harder to explain. However, such feelings air/cold/heat and many others are very subjective. In other words you could trick your body into believing that something is breathing on your neck.

    Of course make sure your not sitting directly in front of someone that is doing this and then looking away.


  9. i sometimes have this....its really creepy.
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