
Wate management.... how do we deal with it?

by  |  earlier

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i agree with waste management meaning the segregation of waste wherein we separate the biodegradable from non-biodegradable waste.... but i was wondering how come we only have one kind of garbage truck the collects both? so what's the sense of segregating waste if only one truck collects them...don't you think it's rather funny?




  1. I'm agree, source separation is the best method of recycling as it gives a less "contaminated" load of materials to the reprocessor.

    I'm going to assume that the lorry that collects your waste actually has separate compartments on the inside that you may not have seen. This will follow through the round and then two separate piles will be deposited back at the depot.

    If not it maybe a temporary issue such as a broken down vehicle or similar that has resulted in this situation.

    I can assure you that if you've been requested to separate them into two bins this will be for a reason and necessary.

  2. We should just bomb the h**l out of Iraq, until there is nothing left, and just use that as our permanent trash can for the U.S. That country has already become a useless, unfix able h**l hole, so why not just destroy it and use it to our own advantage? Who gives a c**p about Iraq anyways? It would save us money, get the troops out of Iraq, keep America less polluted, we win any way you look at it!

  3. I agree with you, it is kinda strange, isn't it? In my neighborhood we have to buy our trash cans and pay monthly to have our trash cans emptied. If we want to recycle we have to buy a separate container and pay monthly twice what it costs for regular trash pick-up. They're not really encouraging people to help save the environment, are they?

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