
Water, Earth, Wind & Fire. Which are you?

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Which of the Greek elements do you most identify with?




  1. FIREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE all the way hehehe like the sun Gods part of APOLLO's family hehehehehe

    and I am a fire sign LEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Queen of the jungle hehehehehehe

  2. I'm water according to the Chinese astrological chart.  I'm identified as a water snake since I was born in the year of the snake and my year says am water.

    Perhaps in more cases than not I've been told that I am "all wet".

  3. In the Chinese astrological system I am an Earth Rat,  corresponding to this current year in the cycle, my sixtieth. The Rat is naturally a water sign, and I have a strong identification with that element also, as I am very sanguine (not Melancholic!), but the earth means that I am grounded and stable (not Phlegmatic!)

    [Each element has both a Yin and a Yang, a male and a female, an up and a down side. We are not all one thing, but a mixture of the FIVE elements and our animal nature(s), environmental influences, and the shadow elements of these as well.]

  4. No one else understands the concepts involved here, I see. In ancient Greece, Thales and the Milesian philosophers said there were 4 basic elements that you list. Later, there were 4 basic personality types associated with these elements. Fire made a person choleric, earth made him phlegmatic, water made him melancholic, air made him sanguine. I suppose I am more sanguine, so I am Air. Did you know that the Chinese have 5 elements: earth, wood, water, metal and fire?

  5. Hi..My instinct is super fiery hot..I feel that so burning me alive! Ouch! As so is to balance my energy flow..I need water or wind..But water may kill the fire in as I feel so much with the wind much better and fell in love with it so much finally..It blows my fire on its best but it also blows it calm and modest.

    So as I feel I am one with the wind exactly together wherever I am..The wind is my refuge that keeps my fire burnin'...<3<<

    Loving Fiery Phoenix friend!!

  6. There is one missing :-) That is in Hinduism

    We ALL have 5 Elements :-))))

    These five elements which are Earth  or Prithvi; Water or Jal ; Fire  or Agni; Air or Vayu and then Ether  or Akasha. Each of these Five elements has its own character and celestial elements in Hinduism


  7. Fire, I can be either your destruction or salvation

  8. Water water everywhere.

  9. Water- although i'm soft i can kill. I can clean you and i can also dirty you. You need me to survive but i can also be responsible for your death. When i'm calm i'm more dangerous.

  10. I’ve always thought it would be great to be like water. I think it’s a very adaptable element. It could take shape of any container it fills, and change form according to the need and temperature – vapor, liquid or solid. This shows a lot of flexibility, and I’d like to think that I have a flexible mind that can adapt to different ideas, situations or conditions. And even though water is often considered soft, it could carve out great canyons and change the shape of the earth over many patient years. Amazing how a “fragile” element could affect such major changes to the more solid elements. And that’s what I try to be, I would like to have the ability to be of some considerable influence through peaceful and diplomatic means in my life and career. And what about water as a cooling element? I’d rather be a peacemaker anytime. But this is just my opinion.

    I must say I'm quite unfamiliar with what those elements represent from the Greek point of view, sorry.

    Thanks, this is a great question!

  11. Mother Earth.  I love to grow living, beautiful plants, herbs, flowers and vegetables in the soil that can produce healthy, natural food to sustain the body.

  12. EaRtH -- i think.  

  13. i identify myself as WATER , because i have traveled 20 long years and going to travel many more years as a water would do striking rocks, collecting mud and what ever it sees...

    In the same way i will travel getting punishments, appreciation, smelling victory,loss etc....

  14. Fire, because I take advantage of anything I can in my path like fire burns anything it can burn in it's path.

  15. Earth, Wind & Fire.

  16. ---As per Hindu Philosophy, there are five (5) elements - the fifth one being the "AAkash" (i.e.'ether').  A person's element would depend upon his "Rasi" (moon sign) the lord of which would belong to one of the five elements. If one's Rasi is "mesh" (Aeris in western astrology) ruled by "Mangal" (Mars), Mars is of  the element "Fire" and his  element is Fire.  Therefore, for identification of  one's elements, his/her  moon sign is to be fixed based on his/her birth time, date etc.  

  17. It's all wind. We're transient, invisible, intangible.

    We mean nothing most days, but occasionally we reach conflict and tear grat rends in the earth.

    Then be blow the earth into evenness again.

    Humanity is wind, because it is nothing, yet it still carries some force.

    And will some day exhaust itself into true nothingness .

  18. I feel kinda humany today.

  19. Heart full of fire,

    hoovering winds around my neckheaded brains,

    water in my hugs,

    I am Earth by all means.



  20. I'm HEART. Captain Planet told me so. By the way, find another area to ask these sorts of questions in for the sake of respecting the philosophy section.

  21. Fire

  22. Not sure but it has to be wind. I blew in and i am still blowing .. sometimes not from the right direction but still blowing.I might be calm one minute but blowing the next. Never know which direction this wind might happen to take its course.

  23. I love water but I'd say I'm more like wind: free spirit, restless and a bit

  24. Hey, nothing wrong with being a socialist!! LOL (I love Captian Planet).

    Anyways, I would be either wind or fire.  Probably wind.  I love variety, so I blow from here to there.  I'm always in my head (I'm a Gemini - air sign).  My hubby's a crystal healer... he is very earth centred.  He says I am weird because so often when he does a healing on me, I am connected to God (crown chakra), but not the earth (base chakra).

    Peace ♥

  25. Water as I ebb & flow along life's water way, taking other people's c**p along with me ! *lol*

  26. we are all of the elements.

  27. I would say I'm fire.

    I approach things with passion

    but I can also destroy someone.

  28. Water

  29. well i am a fire sign  aries

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