
Water Country USA and wearing Contacts?

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I am going to water country usa soon and I have been once before. I wear contacts and when my friends and I went on one ride they splashed water and it happened to get in my eyes. My contacts were blurry and irritated for a while and felt like they were going to flip inside out and pop out of my eyes. I am going again soon and if I dont wear my contacts then my vision gets blurrier as the day goes on (I am far sighted). Should I tuff it out and wear my contacts or no? Im thinking about wearing them but keeping my contact case with me close by. What do any of you do who wear contacts? ^_^ thank you for any advice!!




  1. I went to a water park with some mates and wore goggles on rides. Sure, I looked like bit of a freak but it was worth it because I could actually see.

    Keeping your contacts close by as well as glasses is a good idea just in case.

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