
Water Polo Question!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a couple of questions about water polo. I have been on a swim team for 5 years and am now interested in picking up Water Polo as a 3rd sport. My questions are,

1) Do you have to wear anything specific, like a speedo, or helmet of some sort?

2) What grade do you have to be in to compete in this sport.

3) And if you have had any expierence in this, please would you give me some advice or tips, or tell me about your expierence!!





  1. 1) you dont have to wear a speedo but they are better.

    2) you can be in any grade to compete in water polo

    3) when your trying to get the ball from someone put your palm(but dont close your hand) on their shoulder and push down enough so that its hard for them to focus, but dont push them under water, if you do its a foul. this  techinique works well for me. also a little story i have was from about a year ago. i had the ball and someone from the other team yanked my speedo down, it was embarrassing but no one noticed except for him. so when you are playing wear 2 suits so that this doesn't happen,  they arent aloud to do this but since its under water no one notices and everyone does it any ways. by the way after he pulled down my speedo he took the ball and scored. you should definetly play water polo, and you should wear speedos for it

  2. 1) speedo or a jammer they will suply the swim cap (what u call a helmet)

    2) anygrade we have some 2nd graders on our team so.... yah

    3) it would be a good idea to learn the eggbeater befor u start it is simple rotate your legs in a inward circle also it is really good to have swimteam exp first because it involes a lot of fast swimming

  3. well i used to play water polo when i was in high school and believe me is a good sports ...very aggressive....good here we go ...

    1-when u play water polo ur objective is to win and to win u ll do anything .... i recommend u to wear speedo cuz when u  play the opposite teammate will do anything to slow u down 4 example if u wear shorts he will grab ur shorts and also the shorts slow u down in the water ....u need to have speed in the water no letting any 1 to cacht u and no letting any 1 to swing faster than u....

    2- it doesn't matter in what grade u r just play ....4 example ...a soccer player the younger he started playing soccer the better he ll get so the sooner u start playing water polo the better ull be...

    3-the tips that i have to u is to ....i recomend to u to learn the eggbeater i dont know how to spell that ...well u will need that cuz u will be floting the whole game , try to train ur legs too,enjoy the game and stay focus in the water try no to comit mistake ,play hard and try to train ur arm cuz if u shot the ball hard (with the hand) believe me u ll be know for every1, and u could be the fear of the keeper...

    well i would like to tell u more but I'm not a good teacher the rest u will learnd it with ur coach...good luck and go 4 it
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