
Water an alternitive fuel?

by  |  earlier

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has anyone else seen this? do you believe it?




  1. Hello Jnhvids,

    I haven't seen the sight, but will check it out.  I know of two ways to run a car on water.  Convert the car to steam, and burn any fuel that  you want.  It has been done.  The Stanly, White, Doble, and others ran on steam.  The other is to mix the water with sugar and yeast, and get out the whiskey still.  That also works.                                         Hope this helps.

  2. I suspect it works by converting the water to steam in the engine. By doing that and advancing the timing, you'll get better mileage, as any WWII pilot could tell you.

  3. From what I have heard those can work if you are willing to to mess with the timing and fuel air mixture.  But it does not replace gas just increases you mileage.  Plus if you have any warranty left on your car you won't after you install one.  And running hydrogen through an engine will cause parts to get brittle and fail prematurely.

  4. Lies lies lies lies lies.


    cars CANNOT run on water, but it CAN run on hydrogen that is found in water. problem is hydrogen is bonded to that pesky oxygen atom. through electrolysis you can break the bond between the atoms. however it takes energy to do this, and unfortunately there is no technology out that can do it efficiently. therefore even if you were to do it you would be using way more energy to break the bond than you would get from the hydrogen. therefore if you are using electrolysis via a battery it would be more efficient to run the car off of the battery i.e. electric car

  6. Water can be used as fuel but anyone currently claiming they can do it to your car for pocket change is lying. Technology is far from making this practical.

  7. Yes it is a scam.

  8. There have been some interesting answers to your question so far. The only thing I will say is that the Space Shuttle uses fuel cell technology which separates water (H20) into H (Hydrogen) and O2(oxygen). Hydrogen is what is used to fuel the engines on takeoff and is used during flight to help power some of the Shuttles systems.

    This technology is as old as the shuttles (some 20 odd years old)

    I suspect that the only reason these water powered vehicles and systems have not be seen until recently is that when they are invented the oil companies turn up and offer the inventor a huge sack of money for the patents.

    Any other power source than oil is bad for their business.

  9. The energy required to make hydrogen and oxygen is more than what you get back from burning them together.  No such thing as a free lunch.

  10. well it can happen someday here in the usa and it would help the environment a lot

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