
Water automerer temperature gauge does not move?

by  |  earlier

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ok i have an autometer water tempeture gauge install on my civic there is 3 cables in the one goes to ground one goes to a positive charge cable in the ignition and the other goes to the radiator hose where there is a greddy adapter. both of the last two cables have a positive charge of 12 volts, now is this correct and if it is why my meter just go up to 100 never moves just when you turn the car on the the meter moves a little but never pass 100? i dont think the tempeture in the car is less than 100 Farenheit? if any one knows who is this setup please help me i dont know if the meter is broken, if the cables are plugin right? thank you




  1. Good luck lol.

  2. LOL, thats why I never install gauges thats weren't designed to be installed in the car.  

    refer to the documentation from the gauge or call tech support.    

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