
Water balloon prank question?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i just moved out of my parents house into this apartment in downtown indianapolis. the way it is set up is that my entrace to my unit is in the indoor hallway, and i have a balcony(im on the second story) directly above a sidewalk where i would estimate about one person per minute walks by because my buildings in a commercial area. now i know the potential charges such as assault, but suppose that every now and then i would drop a watter balloon on some persons head from my balcony. picture this, a guy walks by, i drop a water balloon full of pudding and direct hit! the guy looks up and sees me and i go back thru the sliding balcony door into my apartment. because he cant see my apartment number from there what do u think he would do if anything. also, what if the balloon was just filled with water and not pudding?




  1. If they saw your face, all they would have to do is go to the apartment manager and give your description and the approx. location of where the balloon came from and they could catch you. This is such an immature thing to do anyways. Pudding? seriously...what if someone is wearing an expensive outfit or they are severely lactose intolerant and accidently get some of the pudding in their mouth. Just go inside and watch some Sesame Street...that should keep you busy.

  2. And how would you feel if you were the guy on the receiving end?   Grow up pal.

  3. Would you appreciate such a prank played on you? I would a land where you can sue for everything.

  4. You don't sound mature enough to be living on your own in an apartment.  Go home and let your mom finish raising you

  5. Hahahah that's a awesome idea. Just keep your sliding door open and then run inside as soon as u drop and just hear him be angry and watch through the curtains or something xD but yeah you could get in some trouble unless the guy you drop a balloon on is fairly nice.

  6. Sweetie...your tenant record is like your credit record, your driving record, etc.

    s***w it up once and it will cost you ....for years to come.


    What would you do if YOU were on your way to work, a wedding, a funeral, a date, a job interview, or you were just in an extremely BAD mood.... and someone did this to you?


    Me, I would call the police, file a complaint, report the act to the owner, etc. One thing I wouldn't do would be to just walk away. But then...I'm not into violance. With any luck your victum won't be either but you could just as easily get beat up.


    You'd only have to do it once or twice before you were found out. In the city there are always witnesses. Then you could be arrested, fined, sued and/or evicted and back living with your parents.


    Once you get a bad rep as being an irresponsible tenant...disrespectfull of the rights of others...other landlords...who WILL talk to your last landlord and/or run a check on you with the police...won't rent to you.


    There's enough trouble out there waiting on you as an adult...cut yourself a break early on. Don't invite trouble onto yourself.

    Be a good tentant, pay your bills and be a VERY carefull driver, etc. Get and keep good records...they may not mean much to you now but s***w them up .... the day will come when you will not only get fed up with YOU paying the price for something you did when you were younger but once you marry and start a'll get tired of your family having to pay as well.

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