
Water changes while fish have eggs??

by  |  earlier

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i have a pair of true kribensis (pelvacachromis taeniata) (red niger) and think they have laid eggs in a up turned flower pot, i was wondering about doing water changes while the eggs are developing, i dont want to scare the parents into eating the eggs or leaving them,

so would just simple removing water be ok or think i can still gravel clean? i dont wanna lose these fish as they worth rather alot of money if can rear the young




  1. It would probably be easiest and safest to do a simple water change, but if you really need to clean the gravel do it gently, with the lights off and not too near the eggs. although fish can be anxious about their young they are unlikely to eat or leave the eggs if they are used to the gravel cleaning.

  2. You could try cleaning the gravel, but leave about a foot of room between you and the parents at all times.  The chances of you scaring them into eating the eggs are pretty low, but there's no reason to risk it.  Just remove as much crud from the gravel as possible without disturbing them.  If they start to look concerned, end the cleaning immediately and try again later just removing water.

  3. Personally I would just do a water change and give them all the space they want. U will have babies soon enough so u might as well wait.  I have tried doing tank maintenance during spawning and was spiked and nipped, it didn't hurt that bad but it kinda spooks ya. Just be patient and I think in the long run u'll be the most satified.

  4. what i would do is find out how long incubation is for these eggs and if its not too long maybe not do a water change at all but if it is needed then i would use a gravel cleaner at the furthest possible point from said pot to cause as little disturbance as pos

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