
Water damgaed phone?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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ok! so i sat my phone on a table yesterday and went swimming.. k? and somebody sat one of those water sucking footballs by my phone FULL OF WATER at it leaked al over it! and i was wondering if there was anything i could do to help it work again.. i blow dryed the phone and the battery and i cant sit it out in the sun cause or all the rain coming though this week! and the water heater doesnt get hot enogh and rice doesnt work! haha! thanks though!




  1. Well blow drying it probably made it worse because you never want it to get too hot or too cold, try taking as much apart as you can and then letting it all air out just inside on a table or something. It might work off and on for a few days, but ultimately you'll have to get a new phone. Sorry. I know it sucks, it's happened to me.  

  2. I spilled water all over my computer keyboard once and I just turned the computer off, moped up the water and then let the keyboard dry completely out... also my bf dropped his phone in water and just turned it off for a day and let it dry out and it worked the next day

  3. pulling it apart and letting it dry is your best solution, blow drying can create more damage..

    i dropped my phone in the CLEAN toilet once but its never quite been the same

  4. take out the battery and the cover let it dry over night. The battery might not last as long.  


  6. well, if it's a cell phone, you did the right thing with a blow dryer but you need to make sure it got your phone completely dry and the battery too. the same goes for a house phone, but if it's a cell phone and you tried to turn it on after it was damaged, it will be extremely hard to get back to life. if it's a house phone you should replace the battery after you blow dry it REALLY well.

  7. looks like you've got a....glub glub....problem....glub glub... sorry I'm breaking up. Sorry i was just joking, but I would think about just getting a new phone.

  8. Just take it apart as much as you can. Like the back and the battery and if u can the front of it too. I dropped mine in the bath tub full of water and i didn't notice it for a while so it stayed in there for at least a couple of mins. Then i just took it apart and layed in on the table for bout half a day and it took a little while but it worked perfectly fine after that. Good luck!

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