
Water do people wast it?

by Guest32697  |  earlier

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how can small people stop big company's wast water




  1. Well...I dont think so

    Since this very earth were living in revolves around "water"

    You drink, then you p**s, that p**s goes through the sewer lines...eventually it will evaporate, the H2O will, it will rise up to the skies forming clouds, then it will rain, creating lakes, rivers and the ocean itself...then you take that water, clean it up, and drink it all over again...

    This goes to all water usage, from flushing your toilet, washing your laundry watering your yard, washing your all goes down the sewers, cleaned, the trash will be incinerated, and the water...again evaporates...and nature itself will purify it...

  2. what?

  3. I've been doing an experiment and have had my faucet running for about 6 months now and there is no sign of it running out.

  4. start your own crusade-- it would be impossible but trust on yourself. let them think of conserving water. great things start from small beginnings. you might want to start it.

  5. yes

  6. they cant

    small people are too big for the big companies

  7. you tell me I work in the QA Department for a meat packing plant and we waste a lot of water each day. I would say around 3k gallons or more probably more a lot more yeah a lot more i say about 50k a day

  8. Get a whole bunch of people to sighn a complaint letter if theres  enough people who sighn, they'll stop.

  9. Only drink tap water, If everyone stopped drining aquafina and dasani then that would drop the big company's wasting of water as well as if you stop drinking pop.  If everyone stopped drinking that bottled water $*** and soda, their water usage would drop a lot. I think it takes like 4 times as much tap water to make some "filtered" water. Name all the people you know that have gotten sick/hurt/maimed/killed by drinking tap water.... none, its perfectly healthy (possibly healthier), so yeah... that'll reduce it.




  11. the world is seventy percent water, we will NEVER run out

  12. umm.. you could make them drink beer insted?

  13. dont shower. and just drink rain.

  14. Yes we all waste water without thinking that every drop we save is so precious for someones life.Efforts need to be taken for common man  before we can actually point out to big company to stop wasting of water.Well RECYCLING of waste industrial water can be a good option.

  15. of course!

  16. they can't.  Big business is very powerful.  Small people can do so much to conserve, re-use and recycle, but it's a drop in the ocean (!) compared to the useage and wastage of big business.

  17. Conservation is for poor people. EEEWWWW poor people!!

  18. "If its yellow, keep it mellow. If its brown flush it down."

    Also try skipping watering your lawn once a week. It doesnt change your lawn but it cuts down water usage a lot!

  19. Some suggestions on how /you/ can stop wasting water:

    -Cut back on the length of your showers -- 10 minutes instead of 20, as an example, and try showering every other day, if you can.

    -turn off your faucet when you're brushing your teeth or washing your face.

    -Get an efficiency dish washing machine, which would use less water than washing by hand, and save you from having to rinse your dishes before loading.

    Tips to encourage responsible water-usage by big companies:

    -buy from companies that you know use water well.

    -write letters, and request materials from companies about their water usage.

    -research ways companies could modify their current practices to be more conservationist, and then share your findings with others.

  20. They can learn how to spell waste.

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