
Water in my ears??when swimmming?help!???

by  |  earlier

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ok last March i had swimming lessons and everytime i splash in water and do some diving water gets in my ears ! next summer if they inroll me again wat will i do??????!!!!???




  1. you don't need anything just swim...... swing with your mouth/nose closed.......... don't worry about your ears....

    water only gets into your ears when you didn't do swimming properly............

    swim with your body relaxed......

    but with control/force.......

  2. it gets in everyone's ears. ear plugs would work, but what i do is i just put up with it while i'm swimming, and then when i get out i pour a few drops of swim ear into each ear and it makes the water in your ears evaporate or trickle out. they have it at any grocery/drug store.

  3. get ear plugs!!! tehy have them at pratically every pharmacy n wal-mart it also comes with a nose stopper if you want that....

  4. well that happens to me too but i wear ear plugs the wax ones are the best and wear a tight cap.

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