
Water in the intake... What to do?

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My girlfriend was driving my 97 Dodge Avenger when she splashed through a puddle on the way to work. The car stalled out and she pushed it out of the water. My father happened to see her and stopped to help her out and checked the oil and spark plugs but did not see water. He was able to start the car but it made a rattling sound when running so he shut it off and checked the oil again and saw water.

I started the once to drive it on to a trailer and one more time when we took it to the mechanic. The ticking sound is not really loud just noticeable.

I did read that perhaps changing the oil and filter could help as water is in the oil and will not compress.

Is it too late for my poor car? I love this car almost more then my girlfriend what should I do!?!




  1. check your distributor cap

  2. Get a better girl friend?      Oh, the other question.

    Firstly, your car engine is a little bit tighter than that.  Bang thru the puddle and the crankcase is full of water.  NOT  Otherwise the oil would be on the road.     It stalled because water got under the distributor cap (where all the electricity is happening to the spark plugs) and the power was now not going to the plugs in the correct order if at all, so the engine dies)  When he got it started, there is still water in there evident because it is still misfiring occasionally (sparking when it shouldn't creating knocking noises).  Electricity and water does not mix AT ALL.    that is clear in your mind?

         IF there was water in the crankcase,  Note : you said water does not compress......Neither does oil so no difference.

       If there was water, there wouldn't be alot as she pushed it out of the puddle(sounds like a little one).      Driving your car thru a driving downpour all day would be the same thing?  Where does that water go?  The engine is so hot, and so is the oil that water boils up as steam and goes into the intake system and is run thru the engine as it is running out the tailpipe.     So water boils out of the oil.   Car may run a little rough if there is alot of steam, but we tend to step on the gas alittle more and blame it on "bad gas"...for the minute or two that it occurs.   Clean out under the distributor cap and dry it out and more than likely you will be fine.

  3. I bet other than the noise it doesnt run right. Your engine is probably toast. Air compresses, water doesnt. something inside is bent and or broke.

  4. Just change the oil and plugs and wires and make sure all of the engine componets are dry, it will be ok.

  5. if thi$ car have not compre$$  $o you $hould check cylinder vva$her and then chenged that ...

    my idea i$ vvater and oil together to mi><ed .

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