
Water or Cranberry Juice purge?

by  |  earlier

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Lately my skin has broken out and many home remedies I've found haven't helped. I'm also overweight and I've read that going on a water or cranberry juice purge will flush out any toxins in your system and make you healthier in general.

Can anyone tell me some details about a purge (preferably water), like what I can and can't drink/eat, how long I should do it for, and any side-effects that might happen to me?

I tried to start a salt water habit (where you drink one quart of water with 2 teaspoons of salt every morning, within ten minutes), but I just could not keep it down. I ended up pouring out 5/6 of the water, and then gagging on the rest. So, I need something that tastes a bit better lol

Also, I don't fall for loads of BS, the basis that only drinking pure water for a little bit will make you healthier, is true isn't it? I just wanted to know how long I should be doing it for.

ATTENTION: Yes I know I already asked this question, but I got one answer and he was a d**k, aaanndddd once your question is off the front page it's rarely seen again.




  1. Not sure what a cranberry juice purge does but it has worked well on urinary infections. One drinks about 64 oz of the stuff over an extended period of 2 days and the infection is gone. Why  not give it a try. You have nothing to lose. Whoever gave you the theory of salt water must have a death wish. Nothing is worse.

  2. starvation diets dont work... and they're extremely unhealthy. i knows its like a total cliche but its true, exercise and eating healthy, try steamed veggies and roasted chicken, frozen yogurt, fruits, dont eat fried foods...but if i had to choose do the cranberry juice because it has at least some nutrients

  3. purge as in vomiting? I really don't understand what your trying to do here. Are you trying to lose weight fast and clear up your acne?

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