
Water or orange juice?

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Water or orange juice?




  1. Either is good unless...

    If you can not open a container of orange juice and consume it in the first 24 hours then it is a waste. After opening a container of OJ it starts to loose nutrition. After 24 hours it has only 50% of the vitamin C it had when it was first opened. 48 hours after opening it there is only 25% of the initial vitmin C. After 72 hours only 10% of the original vitamin C remain.

    So drink OJ only on day one. If any remains you might as well pour it down the drain unless you REALLY enjoy the taste of OJ.

    There is never a bad reason to drink water.

  2. Orange juice always. ( with pulp )

  3. Water - no nutritional value BUT no sugar or calories

    Orange Juice - vitamins and calcium but lots of sugar and calories

    in the end, water wins

  4. Orange Juice, but water if you are on a diet.

  5. pure orange juice - vitamin c and a portion of fruit

  6. h2o

  7. Id rather have orange juice but water's  healthier!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. have to say water sine im drinking it right now...not by choice tho all out of dew :(

  9. sparkling water

  10. Water

  11. i rathetr have some nice ice cold water @ !!

  12. Water, orange juice has acids in it that are harmful to your teeth.

  13. Definately orange juice its a  good source of vitamin c and its one of your five a day.

  14. OJ has both

  15. definately orange juice it taste better

  16. orange.... SODA!! :D

    noo... uhh water is good.

  17. Minute Maid Orange Juice.

  18. o.j!

  19. orange juice - VITAMIN C

  20. This generally depends on my mood, and the time of day...

    I have orange juice in the morning with my breakfast, and during the day I generally drink nice cold glasses of water to keep me hydrated (and possibly sane).

  21. Orange juice.

  22. Both are good for you and a LOT better for you than soda. Orange juice is good for you because you can get Vitamin C, I won't pick on over the other because they are both good for you. I would just drink both! Some of you out there who are like, "I believe you... not!" are totally wrong. There are very good reasons why you should drink water/orange juice. So go ahead and poor yourself a glass of water or orange juice!

    Why You Should to Drink Water - Your body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water. Blood is mostly water, and your muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Your body needs water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to all your organs. Water also transports oxygen to your cells, removes waste, and protects your joints and organs.

  23. Water of course, to keep you fit and healthy.
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