I had a water leak for the past 3 months and i did not know about it until recently when the water company came out to let me know that my water usage was abnormal. We walked around the property and found the spot, I immediately informed the land lord and he immediately fixed it, however my bill went up more and more every month. the immediate increase was only 20 dollars or so and I thought that I might have just been using a bit more than usual and for one month I know that I had a problem with the toilet which was fixed. I am going to be dealing with a very large water bill on this month and want to make sure I do everything legally to find out who is responsible for the extra usage. the location of the leak was in the back of the property, an area no one in my house goes normally. Am I going to be responsible for the bill or how do I go about legally requesting assistance from my landlord to pay the extra on the bill(s). also would it be possible to have him pay for the previous months bills extra as I am sure that it was due to the progression of the leak.