
Water polo question?

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whats a good 50 free time for the sprinter in freshsoft (spell) or junior varsity water polo in highschool. I'm in eight grade and i'm on a swim team going to play water polo next year and want to be a sprinter and just want to know thank you

by the way

mine is 28.7




  1. if you want to be ligit and have a shot at playing at a higher level you should try to get your 50 under 23 at least, the faster the better. Anyone who cant go under 23 is just average

  2. the 50 free time should be around 30 seconds.  good luck with the team.  yay waterpolo!

  3. I think 28.7 is pretty good

  4. It really dpends on how good you wanna be.  Obviously the faster you are, the better.  I'm a high school sophomore, and I go a 25.7.  I mostly play on JV, where I am faster than most players, but on the Varsity level, where I occasionally play, I'm considered kind of slow.  Our team is considered one of the faster teams around, and Our fastest player on Varsity goes under 23.  Our fastest JV payer can go a 24.5.  However, your 50 Free time is meaningless in terms of Water Polo, in my opinion.  Your 500 time is what really matters, because after swimming back and forth for three quarters, the guys who can still play hard in the fourth are usually good distance swimmers.  Our two best JV players (including me) are both 500/200 Freestyle swimmers.Also, even if you're not that fast, you can still be effective by player smart and doing little things, like paying attention to the shot clock.  Last year our leading JV scorer only went a 29, but still got fast breaks by  paying attention.

  5. ummmmmmmmmmmmmm dunno
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