
Water shortage?

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Water shortage in your country..... it is a real problem?




  1. Nope, not in the middle of the US. . . we actually have too much of it right now.  Are we still under a flash flood watch?

    Even in the middle of the summer when it may not rain for days or weeks, we still have full lakes and nice-sized rivers to play around in.

  2. I have a huge lake by my house, and 5 sinks, oh and 2 hoses.  Those are hooked up to pipes and water comes out of them when I turn the k**b.

    But seriously, it won't stop raining in NJ.  Its nice out today though.

  3. I don’t think that water shortage is a problem. It takes many cosmological decades for the second law of thermodynamics to create that much chaos.

  4. It is in SE USA, Georgia. But we are slowly making inroads on our shortage. Rain, much like the heating and cooling of the planet, comes in cycles.

  5. No

    The infrastructure to capture it is though.


  7. It's becoming more of a problem, but lack of water isn't the problem. We have the same amount of freshwater now as we had 10, 50, even 10 million years ago. The underlying problem is overpopulation.

  8. Asking if there is a water shortage is like asking if there is a shortage of idiots.  No worldwide, there is a lot of water.  There is also no shortage of idiots, although they do seem to be concentrated in the democrat party, and various greenie/panthiest groups.  The problem is distribution of the water.  There are areas in the desert southwest where the users of the available water have oversubscribed to the available water.  This is especially a problem in the lower Colorado river water shed. It is not an over population problem, you cannot blame people for wanting to live in that area, no snow, little rain, and great weather.  We simply have to make better use of the naturally available water, and we need to investigate ways to import water, from areas where there is an abundance.  Maybe from Washingto state?

  9. Try researching the Southwest................Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, etc.,

    The aquifer that provides 90% of the water to such places as Las Vegas, Southern California, etc., has "dropped" 12 ' in about 10 years, from overuse.

    Then, add that this "lake" is fed from the Rocky Mountains and snow runoff from Montana, Wyoming, etc., well.........................

    The picture is a like a jigsaw problem leads to another and so on, so on.

    Far more problems than we can ever hope to resolve in one lifetime.

  10. why, there's lots of water.

    it's just not where we are.

    we all need to move to antarctica.

    burn lots of coal and oil, to increase global warming.

    and build a dam around the 18,000 miles of coastline, to save the water.
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