
Water signs are weak????

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mmkay, so i just wanna know...

just because water signs are more sensitive and deep than most other elements, that doesn't make them weak, right???

who's with me? what is your opinion??


-cancer w/ aries rising




  1. Here's what I believe in: Water signs are the most likely to be empowered by love and there's no greater motivation than that. Not fear, not pressure, not pride, not greed, not vengeance, nothing else. It all depends on which emotion they let rule their lives.

    No really! That's what I believe in!

    Pisces Sun, Virgo Moon, Taurus Rising

  2. No, water signs are not weak. Every sign has its strengths and weaknesses, but overall it is generalizing to just categorize like this.

    Last week it was Libra rising is weak. The week before that it was Sagittarius is weak. Before that it was Virgos are weak. (Translations: The Libra rising is just toooo beautiful and inspires jealousy. The Sagittarius gets too much attention from someone's boyfriend. The Virgo is valedictorian of her class.)

  3. Nope. Scorpio is a water sign yet the most powerful sign of the zodiac.  ;-) Cancerians though like yourself, tend to be clingy, needy and very emotional. Don't let your emotions get to you.

  4. No, water signs are not weak. I can give you a long list of water sign persons who are not weak at all. I would wonder if anyone would have gone up to the face of Theodore Roosevelt, Picasso, Jonas Salk, Bill Gates, Roseanne Arnold, Hilary Clinton, Katherine Hepburn, Neil Young, Martin Scorsese, or Ted Turner and told them that they are weak. Or Johnny Cash, Cindy Crawford, Elizabeth Taylor, Chuck Norris, Rupert Murdoch, Eva Mendes, Eva Longoria, Holly Hunter.

    Virgo sun and moon. My rising is that one you said you eat for breakfast (in someone else's question).

  5. I agree with loulou19,

    Cance sun

    Sagitary rising

    Aries moon

  6. no no no, water signs are not weak, we just want people to think that. So that way if we do have to strike they never see us coming!!  

    Cancer/Leo cusp, Scorpio Moon, and Cancer rising

  7. No water signs are not weak. Just because the water signs are sensitive and emotional that does not make them weak at all. Each of the signs have their own weakness. It is the people themselves who are weak.

  8. Scorpio's are the strongest sign.

    They're the only ones who can make the right decision regardless of what anyone else does.

    All the other signs tend to waver in adversity and go along with whatever makes things easier. However Scorpios fight the good fight till the end.


    It's not really ignorance since we know what we're saying...

    ignorance = not knowing.

    A lot of people agree Scorpios are the most powerful. Not everyone has to see the world from the same stand point as you do...

  9. not at all.

    every sign has their weakness, and because you're emotional most certainly not make you weak.

    Although I happen to be a taurus and I'm the turn to friend to alot of water signs, in my moment of weaknesses I need the comforting of a water sign to elevate me.

  10. No, of course that doesn't make them weak. Anybody that associates emotions with being weak is foolish. The fact that they are so deep gives them a strong and passionate nature. Emotions can be the driving force behind power, and when you truly feel something, you are much more likely to fight for it than if you don't care. Just the same, none of the other elements are weak either. They all have their strengths and abilities, and it all comes in handy. Whether you are more rational, practical, impulsive, or emotional.

    Sun: Libra

    Moon: Cancer

    Rising: Libra

  11. Lol you look very funny cussing and getting angry at people over the internet. You dont get out much do you?

    Well to answer your question, yes im wit you!! My sister is a Cancer and she is nowhere near weak.. I dont understand the stereotype that water signs are "weak" just because they relate to things on a deep level. Dont take it personal because im sure that that stereotype will go on for a long time so just ignore the people that call yall weak.


  12. Im not weak and could care less what others think. You give Cancers a bad name, stop being so sensitive and deffensive. People like you annoy the $hit outta me. and to answer your question no water signs are not weak.

    Edit: lol thank you. you're such a cute lil teen. you just made my day so.. i will have a good day. And i never said all Cancers are the same.. i was just targeting you.Don't start crying now!!

  13. Im a Scorpio I am not weak!!

  14. d**n people stop the cancer bashing. not all cancers are weak and needy. those are just some negative traits that SOME cancers display. i am not at all like that. in fact if anything they are even stronger when they learn to master their emotions. others may think themselves superior, but us cancers feel everything so much more stongly and that lends us great strength and empathy for others.

    sun in cancer (gemini cusp)

    moon in pisces

    sag rising

  15. No! I'm a scorpio and I'm a  very strong person. I tend to look at negative situations and learn from them making them a positive and learning experience.  Even though we are a water sign, we are one of the most strongest sign along with Leos and Taureans. You are a Cancer and I can tell you are weak because look how you're responding back to others. You're weak, you cannot control your emotions! And yes, Scorpios are one of the most strongest signs of the zodiac once again! Laugh all you want, accept or not, along with Leos and Taureans, we are! But someone like yourself is weak! Just look at your own question, you know you are and are trying to get feedback that you're not. Sorry to break it down to ya!

  16. I wouldn't say they are weak...but cancers are very needy and sensitive. they make awesome listeners.  haha. i have had a few cancer friends.

    sun=taurus/moon= virgo/rising=scorpio

  17. I'm with you!!! :-)))

    Whoever said that water signs are weak anyway?  I know I never thought/think that water signs are weak just because they are very emotional!

    Water signs can stay focused on getting someone back far longer than any of the other signs out there!!  OMG it is like nothing I've ever seen.  Weak, not in a long shot.  Maybe too strong actually because they put soooo much emphasis on their feelings to the point that nothing else matters.

    I don't agree with that part but because I can't hit in to the water signs emotions I am never able to help them see the benefits of changing their feelings.  With me I often times do what I think over what I feel so as you can imagine water signs and me struggle to understand each other for sure.


    Sun: Sadge

    Ascendant: Gemini

    Moon: Leo

    Fire and air baby fire and air- LOL!!!

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