
Water tower question?

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how much trouble would a 12 year old kid get in for climbing a water tower?




  1. Trespassing for sure, possibly disorderly conduct,  criminal mischief, or other similar charges. It could get quite expensive.

  2. You might die when you fall, depending on how high it is.

  3. You mean aside from the chance that you might fall and die? Well there is criminal trespass I know there are a couple of other things they can charge you with. The fines can add up to a lot more than you can pay.

    One would assume that you're smart enough not to try it and possibly end your life  

  4. why would a 12 year old want to climb a water tower?

    probably be charged with criminal mischief or trespassing...probation, maybe a fine, or community service.

  5. If ya get caught doing that at 12 years of age, you'd just get a slap on the hand.

  6. none if you dont get caught;)

    my advice, wear all black.

  7. A lot!

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