
Water towers?

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What is the point of water towers. Why do they have water in them? Does anyone know?




  1. store water

  2. They store (cycling) water to help keep up water pressure.  City water systems are only capable of processing so much water at one time...If everyone were to turn on their water at once, some of the water would have to come from the backup in the water tower or there might be problems with water pressure.  Sort of like how hot water heaters store hot water...

  3. For a location that uses a lot of water, it is the reservoir that first of all holds an emergency amount of water in case there is a brief disruption to the municipal water supply, and, it also is the pressure that causes the water to come out of the faucet or water supply connection without using expensive pumps.

    In addition, some fire laws require back-up water supplies such as are provided by water tanks.

  4. So the people in the city can have water without making a well.... That's where they keep city water.

    FUN EXPERIMENT (unless you have well water): Go to your sink and turn on the water. Water comes out! WHOOOOAAA!!!

  5. Water towers provide pressure Every foot of height of the tower provides .43 psi of pressure.

    You've probably had occasion to experience the cable t.v. going out or the electricity going out, but you never experience the water "going out." That's because of water towers.

    The tower holds a huge supply and creates ample water pressure for the area it serves.
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